Wednesday, October 25, 2006

October 25- DJ Delayed


  1. Just a quickie about the DUI O'Mission on his Bar application:

    so, we're saying he may not even have enough character to be a .... lawyer ???!!

    As I understand it, he wasn't aquitted on facts of sobriety; he was found not guilty because the evidence was kicked out under the exclusionary rule. I think he did it. He should probably be prevailed upon to authorize the release of the application. Or, be voted out of office.

  2. Dude, your heros GWBUSH and Cheney also had a DWI, I'm sure there have been nights were you or the cybrairain have had a few too many, don't be a hypocrite.

  3. Never had a DUI and I don't intend to.

    But don't you think he should at least be a man and own up to it, or do you want a lil' boy for a Governor ??

    I stand corrected; Baltimore does like lil' boys. Maybe even more than Mark Foley.

  4. BTW, the District of Columbia unveils its new crime mapping utility.

  5. It's amazing how little news coverage murders get in Baltimore. THe lack of coverage extends from drugs dealers killing each other, to a college student's alleged murder. I've heard more about Anuradha on the street then in the media. You'd think the media outlets would have at least a story about violence against women.

  6. i tried to use that piece of shit crime mapping page yesterday and couldn't get it to work. maybe they worked out some of the bugs though. i'll try it again later...

    as for o'malley's DUI, who gives a shit? he was my age when that happened. as usual though, all the republican shills are going to latch onto this as though it says anything about his character or ability to do his job 20 years later, all while calling for sympathy and compassion for the republicans who did the same thing when they were younger. there's plenty of stuff wrong with o'malley that is actually relevant to this election, why don't you stick with that stuff?

  7. as per usual, it's not that o'malley got a dui, it's that he (probably) lied about it. he should release his bar application.
