Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 26

ONLY in Baltimore fokes!!
conaway bookConfused voters of the 40th district may have unwittingly selected as candidate for Democratic Delegate a violent bipolar self-published writer! Frank Melvin Conaway Jr. is NOT the much-respected and dapper clerk-of-the-court, but rather his considerably more unstable son! Off his meds, Melvin Junior self-published a spiritual manifesto, "Baptist Gnostic Christian Eubonic Kundalinion Spiritual Ki Do Hermeneutic Metaphysics," (allegedly) beat up his wife and chipped her tooth, hired a crackhead as his campaign finance chair ... and still has a great chance of getting elected!

Yes, this horrible case is still around:
The murder and child abuse trial of Nathaniel Broadway, 27, of the 1900 block of E. 31st Street, began today before Judge Allen L. Schwait, 400 Mitchell Courthouse, 110 N. Calvert Street. On June 7, 2004 Broadway and Sierra Swann, the parents of infant twin girls, were indicted for first-degree murder and child abuse in connection with the death of their one-month-old twins, Emmoney Broadway and Emmonea Broadway, killed on May 11, 2004 at their residence in the 1900 block E. 31st Street.
On February 13, 2006 Sierra Swann pled guilty to two counts of child abuse resulting in death; Nathaniel Broadway and Sierra Swann are being held without bail at the Baltimore City Detention Center.

Anti-nuke sisters: No way we're going to pay the Air Force back for the nun-blood-on-the-missle thing.

Club Charles' Joy Martin: 1 in 2 Baltimoreans who walk the streets of the city die a street-related death.
Which reminds me, wasn't O'M going to eminently domain the Chesapeake restaurant? Can't help but to notice it's still a vacant eyesore...

North County
GBMC RN: rape victims "don't need to come into a dirty bathroom if they already feel dirty."

A fatal stabbing in White Marsh.

In Harford County, a MySpace page led to arrests for the rape of a 16-year-old. (Did her parents know she was going to a party at the Super 8 Motel?)

AAC: Crazed James D. Morris, 37, cut his niece's hair, set a house on fire with gasoline, got pepper-sprayed.

Candidates for State Attorney General, Scott Rolle and Doug Gansler, had a debate, but nobody was invited! Anyway apparently Fredneck Rolle pointed out: "I obtained the longest sentence in Maryland history for a child molester: 450 years. We have filed the notice to seek the death penalty three times in Frederick County. My opponent has never filed a notice to seek the death penalty."
Since the minority of MDers support it, maybe that's not a good thing.
Still, I don't like this Gansler guy. He comes off as a prettyboy Yalie career lawyer, anointed to the job when no one was looking. And he admits he isn't going to do shineola for the city's problems. Here's Rolle's page.

The State Attorney General's office has taken over the matter of Delegate and alleged scam artist Tony McConkey.

Cecil County jail guard Bruce Bradwell, 53, of DE, pleaded guilty to misconduct in office. He's one of three guards involved in a sex-with-inmates scandal.

Oy Vay, NJ may go gay! Do I hear wedding bells for the former governor?


  1. What do you do when you don't like any of the candidates available? From the Third District to governor, all the way to attorney general and comptroller, it seems like there's only a bunch of political opportunists who were 'anointed' (I love that terminology, by the way) for their respective positions.

    That also goes for the City Council, I might add - I say let's start over with new blood.

  2. Armed insurrection is an historical favorite.

  3. I saw O'Mullethead doing a photo op at the demo ceremony for the Upland Apartments, a problematic HUD complex in Southwest.

    He smiled as he told onlookers that it was to be replaced with a complex (to be put to bid) for a broad range of income groups. The Legal Aid Society is holding it up to ensure that previous residents will be offered accommodation in the new facility.

    Guess what? There was nothing wrong with the bricks and blocks. What the neighbors complain about is the 'comings and goings' of the dwellers of the facility. If the same kind of people are not going to be excluded, then you're demolishing it for nothing and the new facility will have exactly the same problems.

    It's about behavior. Poor behavior, in particular. This City has a long history of objectifying human problems, rather than confronting them as such. This, largely because the human problems have relatives who voted them into office.

    How many times are you going to pretend that the 'building' caused the drug-dealing??? How many times are you going to rebuild the same neghborhood, which is far more defective for its human content than for its infrastructure.?

    Residents have gone to great effort and expense to gentrify 'problem people' out of their vicinity and the City government is trying to 'inclusively zone' those people right back in. It's not enlightened, it's not altruistic. It's just abusive and destructive of new investment. In economic terms, you could have kept all thoseproblem people right where they were without the additional investment. It just increases the cost of living while leaving behavior unchanged.

  4. The news stations have done stories on the fact that students at College Park are upset at being the second most violent-crime ridden campus in the U.S.

    Violent crime touches one in 919 students. Some are buying tasers.

    Imagine how they'd react to learn that the violent crime rate in Balto. City is one in 57, or 16 times as great.

  5. The Baltimore County Executive who's been touting O'Malley as the gubernatorial candidate to make Maryland safe also has an ad for a County State's Attorney candidate and talks about increasing safety by putting more police on the street. Interesting.

    In 2000 when O'Malley started influencing safety, we had 3,034 full-time sworn officers in Balto. City. We now have about 3,044. That's an increase of less than one half of one percent at the same time he claimed to have a budget surplus to give back. And Commissioner Hamm is on record that we could use at least 4,000 officers.

    Definitely not the 'public safety' candidate, our Martin O'Marginal.

  6. Mullet? Which candidate is it again that has the bowl cut haircut sans sideburns? Ummm... that would be Ehrlich, the one with the businessman mullet. O'Malley has the good hair. I love seeing all this Repub desperation in the last 2 weeks. We got some good poll info in tonight, the end is nigh!

  7. Who's "we"?
    I don't buy it. Have you met anyone who voted Ehrlich last time who's talking about going for O'Malley? Because I have yet to talk to a single individual who voted O'Malley for mayor who is planning to vote for him now as governor.

  8. Fool me once, shame on you.

    Fool me twice, shame on moi.

  9. And by way of explanation, while I'm not about to nominate Ehrlich for the GQ hairstyle awards, in the U.K. a mullethead is a hooligan, hence Mr. O'Malley , overseer of the BCPD goon squad.
