Monday, October 30, 2006

October 30

Leonard Brown, 25, was killed Thursday in the 1400 block of N. Milton Avenue (he may be 225 or 227).

weilerWould-be abortion-clinic bomber Robert Weiler (left) pled guilty Friday to that and having an illegal firearm and a destructive device (the pipe bomb).

Citizens in Park Heights gathered Saturday to protest what they say are serial murders of women in the NW going unreported by the Medical Examiner's office. (The ME's office denies the rumor).

Gregory Kane takes us back to the days when he local head of the Black Panther Party was harrassed by police by being arrested "for everything from 'attempted murders' down to parking tickets 'that weren't parking tickets.' ... "the charges were thrown out. None went to court."
TG nothing like that ever happens today and all of those uncomfy "race problems" are far behind us!

According to a publishing company that appears to exist just to dole out awards to various states, Baltimore is now the 12th-most-dangerous city in America. (The "most dangerous" "award" includes most cities of more than 75k people and compares their FBI UCR numbers in basic six crime categories). Last year Baltimore was sixth. But in cities with a population over 500,000, we've moved up to #2 (stats weren't available for New Orleans).

In Hebron, Wicomico County, Wendy Floyd was murdered (allegedly) by her estranged boyfriend, Jeffery Ryan Rohleder.

Speaking of domestic violence, anyone catch last week's Savage Love? That's how it starts, ladies (and fey gentlemen). Don't date that guy!

A serial rapist appears to be abducting women in DC and taking them to PGC.

If you can still read about politics without gagging, the Post has some good poll numbers.
The Examiner did indeed heed my call and dug up a Democrat who voted Ehrlich last time and plans to switch back (from which we are to extrapolate a larger trend, I assume).
Unsurprisingly, the Sun has endorsed O'Malley.
The gov. admitted over the weekend that his communications director was subpoenaed by federal prosecutors as part of a probe into contacts between the administration and various gambling interests. The Sun Lies has the whole exchange (and lots of other interesting stuff too).


  1. FYI, from Morgan-Quitno, we are the #1 most murderous city over 250,ooo in population.

  2. Oh, good. Living in a shockingly dangerous city is an important part of my edgy image.

  3. leonard brown was 223, according to the official numbers. number 224 has still not been reported anywhere. i guess we'll have to wait until wednesday for murder ink.

  4. I find it very interesting that the local media isn't referring to our fair city's #2 status. Hmmmmmm...

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