Saturday, October 28, 2006

October 28

Solothal "Itchy Man" Thomas and Edward "Bam" Countess got life plus 10 years yesterday for their roles in a County murder-for-hire ordered by Baltimore City drug dealer Tyree Stewart in retaliation for a 1999 robbery.

Remember that "criminal," Glen Curry (DOB 12/52), who was so dangerous he was arrested for trespassing in front of his own apartment, then an officer punched him in the face while he was cuffed? All charges against him have been dropped, three days before his case was supposed to go to court. The charges are still in the system though, of course. His lawyer told JZ a federal investigation is underway.

Family, the cornerstone of society:
Good Lord. Alison Kirby was stabbed more than a dozen times by her babydaddy in a Wal-Mart parking lot and lived to tell the tale. Kirby sought a restraining order, but it was denied. Her ex, Christopher McCann, was convicted of attempted first-degree murder yesterday.

Mother of the family that killed Anthony Frank Fertitta and burned his body, one Cynthia Jean McKay, was charged with first-degree murder in the county.

Did Ed Hoffman of Elkton shoot his wife because she couldn't stand to be in debt?
I don't know, but for the record, if I ever go broke, don't kill me, honey!


  1. Isn't it amazing how no one in local government is interested in what happened to this guy?

    He's either a criminal, in which case the police did a very inadequate job of supervising his conduct, or he is a victim, in which case someone on the police force should be fired.

    But, in Baltimore you just drop charges and pretend everything is dandy. For this we pay people?

    Maybe now the FBI will start a frickin' file on the nonsense that's going on here daily.

  2. one of your links is not correct --- the one about alison kirby. this is the second time this has happened for the link i happened to be interested in

  3. for whatever it is worth, probably nothing, your use terms like "herbabydaddy" annoys me. I'm neither black, poor, or "ghetto", but your stereotyping disturbs me. Do you refer to all fathers of all children as herbabydaddy or only certan ones?

    Could you ever be wrong in your prejudgment of people that you do no know?

  4. Well, Baltimore is a tad 'special', isn't it ?

    In 1957 the percentage of teenage births out of wedlock was 14%, but it's now 80% here. 80%! 1957 was also the peak year for national birth rate. The rest of the country has far fewer babydaddies than Baltimore and more plain ol' daddies, even if you wouldn't know it to watch Jerry Springer or Maury Povich. Those guests are largely recruited from places like Baltimore, rather than Madison, Wisconsin.

    When discussing Baltimore's population, the term babydaddy, in spite of its grammatical peculiarity, is the correct one.

    I'd be happy to refer to them as 'child's other parent' when you can get the unwed percentage down by 75% or so.

    And just so we're straight on this, by and large, Baltimore B is black, poor, and ghetto. Just because an identity is stereotypic does not make it incorrect.

  5. "Babydaddy" = father of a child not married to the child's mother.

    Link is fixed now, thanks.

  6. babydaddy is used for any father that is not married to the mother of their child. I also hear babymamma. It is common slang for that ever so common relationship of sharing a child, but not being married. It is not prejudicial. Unless you think that only black, poor or "ghetto" people have babies out of wedlock. Which of course is not the case.
