Friday, October 27, 2006


Back in June, almost 100 readers took the governor poll. Forty-four percent of you were voting O'Malley, 36 Ehrlich, nine undecided.

The new poll only has 34 respondents so far. But ... this poll shows Ehrlich in the lead with 47 percent. MD Politics Now says that the governor has picked up all of the newspaper endorsements handed out so far (Dude's links are all broken, but it's true... here's the Towson Times').

Could the worm be turning?


  1. My suspicion is that despite the failures of O'M peppered with mild successes, he'll still be elected governor.

    So - who's ready for the Dixon Administration?

  2. Never mind... looks like the O'Malley voters were just not paying attention!
    (IMagine that!)

  3. The Dixon administration will walk away with the same realization as its predecessor: that there are no political consequences for operating a lousy, corrupt, ineffective government in Baltimore. All you need is the nod from EDO and NDC. The rest of the cattle will vote however the Democratic party tells them to.

    You don't need to respect the U.S. Constitution, or even be able to read it.

    Get In On It.

  4. Please don't give up hope! It would be so unfair for O'Malley to win. So unfair! He is a real cad who doesn't deserve to be anything beyond dogcatcher. Personally, I'd like to see him in an orange jumpsuit.

    Help, Mr. DiBagio?
