Sunday, November 5, 2006

Don't mess with Bill!

President Clinton will be appearing on behalf of the Dems tonight at Camelot of Upper Marlboro (whatever that is), 13901 Central Avenue, 20774. Admission and parking are free, but you must RSVP to Ashley Peddicord at 410-366-1900 or to get in the door.


  1. Re: Don't mess with Bill! How about staying out of partisan politics with "Baltimore Crime"? Murder and mayhem goes beyond political party.

  2. how about you get your own blog and/or an identity?

  3. how about you get your own blog and/or an identity?

    or, y'know...don't read it?

  4. You can love Bill and not love or endorse all of his choices, you know.

    I don't and can't endorse O'Malley given the blantant fudging of crime numbers and the demoralized and dwindling police force; I can't vote Ehrlich because I cannot endorse denying human rights to gay citizens, wasting so much of the people's time on slots, or of course, the evil BS in Iraq.

    And it's all moot anyway, as no one's vote counts unless they're a hacker or work for Diebold.

    So this blog is neutral in that it's against them both.

  5. No need to slam art majors.

    I even hesitate to slam Diebold. They are guilty of taking on a job that they could not do.

    The real blame goes to the state for not having (or enforcing) serious acceptance criteria for the Diebold systems. There is no way we should have to pay for crap that crashes regularly.

  6. Why did they feel a need to switch to the Diebold system? The old voting machines always worked fine.
