Monday, November 6, 2006

November 6

Today, Judge Glynn sentenced Payton Brown, 22, to 20 years in prison. Brown pled guilty to second-degree murder before Glynn in July. The facts...
On October 12, 2005, Brown and an unidentified suspect known only as Gary or "G" attempted to rob Brandon Cherry, 21. During the robbery, Cherry resisted and was shot and killed. This murder occurred in the Northwood Shopping Center near the Morgan State University campus.
A man was found shot and floating under a pier in Canton.

Cash, some cell phones, a snow blower, a coin collection and three microwaves stolen in the blotter... and one Bruce Weidner really needs to get on with his life (after he gets out of jail).

"This is a White Man's City": Antero Pietila recounts the tumultuous election of 1895.
(ps. the ad at the top of the page makes really annoying noise, so turn down your volume!)

In College Park PGC, police shot and killed an armed-robbery suspect.
Also, there's a perv on Marcy Avenue in Oxon Hill.

A fatal shooting at 1709 Leisure Way in Crofton, AAC.

MoCo: Three suspects were arrested for armed robbery.


  1. In some places, when people get shot, the citizens actually require their government to provide more policing.

    And in some counties, when the municipal government cannot provide enough policing it actually accepts the Governor's offer to deploy State troops.

  2. The I-Team investigates the police department's overspending while it continues to undersupply police officers.

    Guys, you know, hiring personnel just isn't that hard. You do have to pay them better, but then again, we're already getting a huge bill the way this idiot Commissioner is doing it. The police union is even critical.

  3. Police are seeking middle-aged afro-am males Calvin Owens and George Huxtall, who together with an apprehended correctional officer, posed as undercover cops and falsely arrested a young man in Westport, thereby kidnapping him and expropriating his $700 stash of cash. He was later released sans cash.

    Their mug shots will be available soon on wjz.

  4. Well yah, it's called 'voting him out of office.'

  5. Well, City Council should absolutely make that demand. If you live in the 14th District, your councilperson is Mary Pat Clarke. If you live in the 12th, it would be Jack Young.

    I have already asked MPC to enter a resolution requiring attainment of full staffing by a date certain or, alternatively, sequestering the police department's admininstrative budget until it is in compliance with manpower guidelines. It would be good if you would call and support that request. There is also the question of a councilmanic resolution admonishing the Commissioner for poor staffing and unproductive and excessive false arrests.

  6. I just watched the O'Mayor speaking in Federal Hill about "the unity of Spirit and Matter".

    What the hell is this moron talking about and to exactly whom is he speaking?

    He seems to be appealing to some vast national Democrat audience and the poor suckers in Baltimore are just there to hold his campaign signs. Other than that, they don't really seem to be important to him.

  7. Mr. O'Malley, on behalf of residents of Baltimore City, (to use your own oratory) stop screwing around, start doing your damn job as Mayor, because one way or another, in spite of you we're going to make our government work again.

  8. The link about the floater in Canton does not mention that he was shot. Did I miss something? Do you have another source?
