Monday, November 6, 2006

David Shimony Guilty Plea

Reports the DOJ:
November 6, 2006, David Shimony, age 53, of Baltimore, pleaded guilty yesterday to making false statements on income tax returns, in addition to pleading guilty to a one-count Criminal Information filed in the District of New Jersey, in which he is charged with possessing counterfeit currency, announced United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein.

In a statement of facts provided to the court as part of the plea agreement, Shimony admitted that he failed to claim $2,036,205 in taxable income for 1999 and 2000 on his personal tax returns, resulting in unpaid taxes, or tax losses, of $796,337.

Also according to the statement of facts, on April 30, 2004, Shimony arrived in Newark International Airport from Israel and provided a customs form claiming that he was carrying no more than $1,000 in cash. An inspection of numerous individually wrapped packages lining the inner wall of Shimony’s carry-on bag revealed $200,000 in counterfeit $100 bills and an additional $1,400 in counterfeit $100 bills in his wallet. On two previous occasions beginning in March 2003, Shimony had traveled to Israel and obtained packages of counterfeit $100 notes. On each occasion, he purchased counterfeit notes with a face value of approximately $100,000, then brought the counterfeit notes into the United States to pass some of the notes himself, and sell the remainder to various individuals in the Baltimore area. The total amount of counterfeit currency possessed by Shimony was between $350,000 and $400,000.

Court documents here, here, here and here, via

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  1. Read articles related to David Shimony / Shimon at .
