Tuesday, November 7, 2006

November 7

The man stabbed in the middle of the day downtown, Gap Suk Suh, 59, was apparently killed after being involved in a fender-bender.

Fake officer to victim: It's against the law to carry that much money ... but I'll help you!

Frank M. Conaway, Senior: "The mayor can ask people to 'believe' that violent crime is down, but in the end the body count tells the truth." (Except for those 341 bodies from 2004).

AAC Circuit Court: TS if you didn't get your absentee ballot.


  1. Wait is this the same Conway who was charged with beating his wife and has a drug adict on his campaign committee?

  2. What 341 bodies?

    tsk tsk d's c, its a little misleading to cite that number, knowing that it could be interpreted as meaning the murder count in 2004 was 341. The murder count in 2004 was ~274.

  3. It's pretty clear she's referring to the 341 undetermined deaths from 2004, in the Nov. 2 entry.

  4. No, it's Frank Conaway, the Clerk of the Court.

  5. Yeah, Frank Senior is Dad.
    Don't 'tsk' me, you ass! I've had it with you anonymous commentors! I'm deleting you and revoking the 'non privilege because you all have just gotten on my last nerve!

    (but for the record, the 'non said

    "What 341 bodies?

    tsk tsk d's c, its a little misleading to cite that number, knowing that it could be interpreted as meaning the murder count in 2004 was 341. The murder count in 2004 was ~274.")

  6. Have fun with Burgersub, y'all!
    I'm off to Vegas!

  7. Gotta love Baltimore politicians. I imagine that if O'M loses today then they will be out for his blood when it comes to all of his failures, since his political career will essentially be over.

    Oh, PS - Congrats to D's C on everything. Enjoy Vegas (and doing things there that would get you arrested here in the greatest city in America) ;)

  8. What things? You mean like breathing?

    It doesn't take much to get false-arrested here. It helps if you're in a black neighborhood or in a white one driving while black.

    At least the O'Mayor received the courtesy of being charged for his offense. Most of us just go to jail until they're ready to release us.

  9. Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen (the losing). We'll see. Thans for your good wishes! And don't forget to check out the spectacle on the 'net next Saturday!

    Good luck, Burgersub!

  10. thanks, hopefully tomorrow there will actually be some news...

  11. congrats. and yeah, i hear zoloft is better... heh.

    anyways... there was no way o'malley was going to lose with the city's blind voters loving him as much as they do.

    At least we're getting a new mayor sooner than later..

  12. What's new about Sheila Dixon? She's another old political hack.

    I'm told people are tired of being lied to by Republicans in the State. So now, maybe, they'll be so much happier to be lied to by more Democrats.
