Tuesday, November 21, 2006

November 21

Mums went tits-to-the-wind at BWI to defend the right to breastfeed.

"It's always like this, the columnist coming in after the funeral."
(... unless, of course, you're one of 2006's 236+ murdered citizens ignored by columnists).

"New, chilling details" in the shooting of brother and sister Marcus and Nicole Edmonds, 16 and 17. The siblings were shot by two teenagers for their cell phones; Nicole died from her injuries.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Tavon Berson Tyner, 22, of the 2500 block of W. Lanvale Street, and Donte Lamont Tyner, 22, of the 3700 block of Brownbrook Court, for first-degree murder of Darrell Artis. LaTosca Octavia McCullough, 26, of the 3400 block of Gaither Road, was indicted for accessory after the fact in connection with the homicide. Court documents allege that on September 7, 2006, a Nissan Quest Van driven by LaTosca McCullough was parked on a parking lot in the 7100 block of McClean Boulevard along with Darrell Artis, Tavon and Donte Tyner. An argument started between Artis and Donte Tyner, which escalated to a fistfight. Donte Tyner produced a handgun and shot Darrell Artis several times, then fled the scene along with Tavon Tyner and LaTosca McCullough. Artis died from his injuries the same day. An arraignment is scheduled for December 15, 2006 before Judge John P. Miller.

Question: what happens if you need an ambulance, fire truck or cop in Israel on a Friday night or Saturday? Do a bunch of Shabbos goys work one day a week, or what? I guess the question is, do the Orthodox make allowances for first responders a la , David Brown?


  1. The link at the top of this entry links to baltimorecrime.blogspot.com Was that intentional?

    As a Baltimore Jew with a Catholic last name, I can tell you that the religious laws covering the sabbath, like most laws of Judaism, make an exception in the any case that will save a life. That being said, there are many secular people who live in Israel that can work on Saturday. Traditionally it was also barred for non-Jews to conduct business on sabbath in Jewish communities, especially if that business was conducted on behalf of Jews.

    Now, of course there are all types of arrangements that are made so that Goy do work on behalf of Jews that the Jews think would break the Sabbath for them to do themselves.

    Non-Jews or at least non-religious Jews are probably the preferred staff for first responder agencies in Jewish communities, even in Israel, but an exception can always be made for an life saving emergency.

    In conclusion... I'm sayin', though, the man's shomer shabbas. Find somebody else to work Friday night and Saturday morning.

  2. Whoops, no, just being sloppy
    Thanks Simon.

    Don't you think shomer shabbas guy should find a new line of work not involving being a first-line responder? leave that to people less chosen?

    Can observant Jews not join the military?

  3. you kind of imply that both of those kids were murdered. only the sister was. also, i always thought club paradox was a goth club or something. i guess i'm not as hip as i thought i was. or maybe i'm just being racist now in assuming some black inner city kids can't be into goth culture? :p

    how was jamaica?

  4. The Paradox has different events for various nights of the week. Goth night, 'Hopper' night, and Sundays are generally 'Alternative Lifestyle' night.
