Wednesday, November 22, 2006

November 22

Ink: Three murders last week, 241 this year.
Alfred Williams, 26; Lamont Jackson, 21; Dennis O'Neil Bryant, 38.

A 19-year-old man was shot to death last night. (242?)

Murders committed by juveniles are up. or, as JZ puts it,
'This allegation We cannot continue to loose so many of our future leaders to such senseless violence. Our community cannot accept these numbers. added Marty Burns'

"Sometimes you make some crazy mistakes."
carlevansThat's as close as Carl Preston Evans Jr. (left, from has come to explaining why he stabbed, beat and strangled his 13-year-old stepdaughter to death, then set the family's Essex rowhouse on fire. Evans got life plus two 15-year-sentences.

Police cameras led to an arrest for the October 22 murder of Joel Bradley.

Ciara Jobes' grandmother won a $15 million lawsuit against Jobes' murderer, Satrina Roberts. Roberts is serving 40 years for second-degree murder and child abuse.

Since the two rape allegations against officers this year,
male officers aren't supposed to be left alone with female suspects, and the City Council wants cameras in interrogation rooms.

Gregory Kane reminds us (like anyone living this town could forget) there's no such thing as the right not to be offended. But how great it would be if there were ...


  1. Perhaps WJZ intended "we cannot loose our future leaders on an unsuspecting public". With 15 year-old killers running around, this town should be shut down.

    How much you wanna bet we top last year's murder count ?

    Welcome back, Cybes.

  2. loose = Paris Hilton. Lose = what the O's do.
