Wednesday, January 10, 2007

January 10

So far, '07 has been bloody and sad-- 15 homicides in 10 days, five of them yesterday, including Detective Troy Chesley Sr.

A cab driver was shot in the throat by a man on South Hanover Street who's at large.

Sierra Swann got 15 years and Nathaniel Broadway 30 for the deaths of 30-day-old Emonney and Emunnea Broadway.

Tia Whitehead, the mother of a 15-year-old Baltimore girl who was chained to a bed for four days got no jail time for her role.

Judge Glynn: The city court system deals with about 10,000 felony cases a year, but has the capacity to hold only about 500 jury trials.


  1. Observation: If the Circuit Court can handle a max. of 500 jury trials and gun homicides & nonfatal shootings should exceed 900 for 2006, then 45% of all of the most violent cases must be eased off the docket through plea-bargaining, which means sentencing has to come way, way down as an inducement. No wonder we have no justice.

  2. Damn, you beat me to posting the story about Bethel AME. This bit really pissed me off.

    "The congregation is not obligated to do anything for its share of the proceeds. But then, Reid said, there are no guarantees that there will be profits.

    That concerned Pratt, a member of the Board of Estimates who said she was initially excited by the plan.

    "I just didn't feel that the church was going to actually receive any money," she said. She questioned why the deal didn't guarantee the church a specific amount, in addition to, or instead of, a percentage of the revenue."

    Her church gets free money from a city-owned venue, and Joan Pratt thinks that they're entitled to more? We're sure going to have some horrible mayoral candidates this coming year. I can't believe that I'm starting to miss Martin O'Malley.

  3. Whenever you see the name "Cordish," you can bet something unsavory is afoot.

  4. I tend to give Joan some credit. She's a pretty good ethical compass and I think she was suggesting that converting the ownership interest to a plain ol' cash donation would make this a cleaner transaction. Also, I bet Cordish tries to load the deal with office expenses so in the end the church gets stiffed. I bet.

  5. This Bethel AME thing is ridiculous. I'm not Catholic, but I guarantee that if this was a Catholic church, this would NEVER have gone through. In fact, it probably wouldn't have worked for anything BUT this church. Makes me sick.
