Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This just in

From Julie Bykowicz, who was there:

DJ Tommy = not guilty

of anything. He's being released right now.


  1. That sucks a big one ... from what I've heard he was pretty much guilty but I don't know every single fact... but I know there's a big fat guy waiting to rape him in hell!

  2. Sorry if I'm burning up the bandwidth, but I'm PISSED. Copkiller Brandon Grimes lives 4 blocks from me and has been an armed criminal in my neighborhood.

    No, I don't feel very safe when these guys are constantly being let off.

    Factoid: 90% of the alleged murderers this past year have been repeat offenders. Doesn't take a genius to figure robbery, shootings, and murder would be on an uptick. It's structural incompetence.


  4. Well, now, you'd really need to see what the quality of evidence is. His statement to police was admitted into evidence despite a Miranda challenge and the Medical Examiner apparently testified that the blood pools and ligature marks were inconsistent with the suicide claimed by the defendant. I guess his counsel played up the reasonable doubt angle in the bench trial, but I'm kinda curious how he convinced Judge Alpert of it. Was anyone from BaltoCrime there in court?

  5. so much for a "slow plea of guilty." Gotta love liberal judges! Can't wait till O'Malley appoints some more.

  6. If I was DJ Tommy, I'd get out of this town. He might have a good lawyer, however he now has alot of enemies here. Our justice system stinks! My heart goes out to the Ramasamy family.

  7. Ther are so many cold blooded murderers on the prowl in Baltimore, why link into this? I read as much info as I could on it and it all seemed not only circumstantial but all based on the opinion of one person, the examiner. Everything else was pure rumor and gossip. It stinks youse guys would write like this. Seemed a pure suicide from the graphic description. Reasonable doubt is an understatement!
    If your girlfriend catches you in a compromising situation and commits suicide over it, I hope you have the opp to go through what this fellow had to go through.

  8. Ther are so many cold blooded murderers on the prowl in Baltimore, why link into this? I read as much info as I could on it and it all seemed not only circumstantial but all based on the opinion of one person, the examiner. Everything else was pure rumor and gossip. It stinks youse guys would write like this. Seemed a pure suicide from the graphic description. Reasonable doubt is an understatement!
    If your girlfriend catches you in a compromising situation and commits suicide over it, I hope you have the opp to go through what this fellow had to go through.

  9. Anonymous- Circumstantial? The state of the victim's body ruled out suicide. This is the determination of the medical examiner, based on science, not gossip, nor opinion- based on fact. The victim was murdered and the evidence proved that Tommy lied about the circumstances under which he found the victim's body. Whatever he has been through is nothing compared to what the victim's loved ones have been forced to endure. The Baltimore City justice system has allowed yet another violent predator to reenter society.

  10. LOL @ "all the evidence was based on only one guy's opinion: the medical examiner's!"

    i move that the verdict be set aside because it was all based on one dude's opinion: the judge's.

  11. Yes, I was there, but not for the verdict, just for some of Fish's closing. I was very impressed by him (Brian Fish), I'm sure he did the best with what he had. I wonder why there was DNA evidence that was collected but never tested?

  12. on dj tommy's aquittal:

    'Just before he announced his verdict, Alpert said Ryan "may have strangled her, but I can't convict someone on what might have happened."

    Alpert, a judge for 34 years, said he was "somewhat surprised there was not a more thorough investigation of the ceiling fan and cord." He said the evidence presented had left him with many unanswered questions -- enough that he felt the case was not proved beyond a reasonable doubt. '

  13. "I wonder why there was DNA evidence that was collected but never tested?"

    I bet that money was the reason they never tested it.

  14. To respond to the anonymous comment above, apparently you did not read all that you could on this story becuase if you were in the court room, and I truly believe you can only have an opinion on this case if you were there the entired trial, you would not have posted that this case was based on one person's opinion. There was FACT presented that this was infact murder. In addition if you had heard the defendant's testimony you would see that he lied time and time again. There were so many inconsistincies in his and other people's story. It is clear justice was not served, but that aside, you have no right to give your opinin based on "trying to read as much as you could on this case." You have no basis for your opinion. Please don't insult the victim's family and friends by giving your uneducated opinion.

  15. I am saddened by the stress , and hate that is caused by such a situation. If we could charge and find guilty, we could eventually forgive and move on. But a family has now been forced to hold their ANGER, DISAPPOINTMENT, GRIEF, and so many feelings, I can't name them all while this murder (I believe) or suicide (one person believes) goes unsolved. I am so sorry for the friends and family of the victim. I hope they find peace to let go and forgive whomever is responsible. Whether that person be ANU or THE DJ, don't let this trajedy take your lives too. I am a mother and a sister, and I can't say I could or would do this, but speaking rationally, use this as an excuse to do and be better. That is what Anu, and GOD would want for us. BLESSED.

  16. I wonder why there was DNA evidence that was collected but never tested?
    Easy. Because DJ Tommy lived in that apartment. His DNA would be everywhere. What would the point be? It is tested, defense says "big deal, he lived there." It is not tested, defense says, "cops incompetent, they didn't test DNA." And with a willing pro-defense Judge looking for any excuse to acquit there you go!

  17. Let's hope the Ramasamy's bring a civil suit against Ryan. OJ got off for murder but the civil suit did the trick in terms of getting some kind of guilty verdict and some semblance of justice for the Goldmans and Browns. It's worth a shot.

    And the Baltimore PD will probably be all over him 'til they can nail him on possession or whatever they can.

  18. Now, this brings up a good point.

    Should police target aquitted defendents on the basis that they 'probably did it' anyway? Should these receive 'extra attention' with the hope of obtaining a new conviction on an unrelated subsequent charge?

    On the one hand, targetting historically criminal people seems logical.

    On the other hand, it also could bias the delivery of uniform justice, which is an important notion in American CJ.

  19. Tommy just needs to move out of Baltimore [immediately] so that Anu's friends and family can move on with their lives. His presence in this city is not wanted or appreciated and I for one would like to have him stricken from the record.

  20. Well for starters, other than the couple of anonymous people on my side, the rest of you can GO FUCK YOURSELF!
    You are ignorant heartless people who do not know shit.
    How dare you lash out so hard and be so sure about things just from the limited information you've seen.
    None of you know me or knew Anu personally.
    You're all just some sorry people who are clueless to the fact that you are making a painful situation even worse for many people. Its disgusting.
    -I've never lied about one thing
    -A civil case was never even considered against me.
    - I agree with Judge Alpert. I was surprised as well that there was not more of an extensive investigation.
    - My record has since been expunged. Meaning the arrest doesn't even exist anymore.
    I was a victim of terrible police work.
    To rip a man away from just finding his dead girlfriend to interrogate him and hold him against his will is sick. I was hysterical and badgered in a good cop / bad cop manner while giving my statement with zero compassion. Then to lock me up on one discrepancy in my statement???!!!!!
    Thats it! That was there case. Further investigation would have easily confirmed my whereabouts as well as phone records that prove she was very much alive after I left. Instead I get thrown in BCDC and wait 8 months for the trial for these simple things to be revealed and to be released.
    These are the stone cold facts.(which were clearly presented in trial)
    This is the reality that is the Baltimore System.
    Its disgusting and it could happen to you.


