Saturday, January 13, 2007

January 13

Gregory Stokes was arrested in the Southeast and charged with killing Pamela Balk in Worcester County.

According to a WJZ headline, we're "Concerned Over High 2007 Murder Rate". The Almighty Sheila won't have recommendations until next week. Perhaps her suggestions will include that we stop killing each other.

Lawrence Borchardt is on his way back to death row.

Alvin Augustus Williams was convicted of second-degree murder in the unprovoked killing of basketball coach and software engineer Brian O'Neil Jones in Canton. Sentencing is on 2/26/2007.

Perverts in the HoCo schools, in the Klan, and in Carroll County.

Testimony continues against Jemini Jones, formerly of the Southwestern Flex Squad.

Baltimore County Circuit Judge Patrick Cavanaugh handed down a sentence in what he describes to the Sun as "the most heartrending he has encountered in his 33-year legal career."

A stolen trumpet, debit card, and bag of groceries.


  1. See my (extensive) comments on the new approach to policing on yesterday's comments and here is the partial crime log for the Northern this week.

    One addition to my characterization of New York zero tolerance: it doesn't involve false arrest. 'Abated by arrest' is an unknown expression in all American schools of criminal justice. It's a Baltimore innovation. It's also unconstitutional, when systematic.

  2. Jaime, here's that Quad map. I think your rep will be either Ron Griffin (#3) or Erika McClammy (#2).

  3. Gun violence pros express skepticism over the Commissioner's new plan, which looks to me a whole lot like the old one.

  4. Let me second Galt's big WTF to "citizens should show their outrage."
    Correct me if I'm wrong, did the mayor not just challenge people to start rioting?!
    Because that's our problem... lack of outrage!
    Yep, not enough anger in this town!
    it's your fault if you live here because you just aren't outraged enough!!

    Dammit woman, what do you want from us? Ranty letters? Lawsuits? Petitions? Venn diagrams? Flaming effigies? Whatever it is, it can be arranged!

  5. i just did a google search for "burgersub" and somebody posted a link to my map site on a messageboard that seems to be dudes giving each other reviews of local hookers.

    fucking weird.

  6. Sounds like Dixon's going to recommend flaying each other in the street!

    Stats are fun!
    I just turned on a link to see visitor stats under the counter, if you want to see the search terms that come in here...
    Someone in Carson City is researching The Wire... more fuel for season 6 rumors?

  7. ps. on the stats visitors have to stay for 30 minutes to count as 'returning'-- it's amazing that about 1/3 of visitors spend that much time here every day! (not counting me)

  8. here is a nice excerpt from the thread my site was posted in:

    Anyway, coming out Wash Blvd, get a smile from a cute short blonde in sweats and a T shirt. Pull over after a loop to check the area, picked her up next to the bus terminal. Went to a spot, good BBJCIM with lots of deep throat. Nice small perky tits. Looks were probaly a 7 on SM scale, maybe 5 or 6 on civilian, good attitude and technique, no drama. N ormal tuition with a Lincoln for a nice job. Probably would repeat. Be safe.

  9. What do you suppose "N ormal tuition with a Lincoln for a nice job." means?!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I just saw Hamm on wjz - all he's proposing is to alert gangs that "I'll sick a federal prosecutor on you if I catch you, I swear."

    Big frickin' deal. More nothin'.

  12. So what's your taste, mein galt?
    How are we to take it to the streets?
    I like fire!
    How much heat would it take to get down the shiteosity in front of the train station?

  13. and galt, i just agreed with you for the first time ever... how about a little positive reinforcement?

  14. How, pray tell, do you know I'm not asleep? It is 2:45 am, you know.

    Anywho, I think we, along with certain organizations, should stage a Day of Outrage by City Hall. I kinda think it needs to be in warmer weather, though.

  15. Sheila Dixon is an idiot. There, I said it. Here's hoping that the next eleven months goes by as quickly as possible and that we get an intelligible leader as her replacement.

  16. Thanks Galt!
    That's Stinky, my birthday present!
