Thursday, January 18, 2007

January 18, part II

21-year-old Dante Watson is murder victim #17. He was stabbed in his Northeast apartment on Monday night and died on Tuesday.

Jennifer Ann Kruszynski is missing and suspected dead; her ex-boyfriend implicated himself in his suicide note.

A federal cop and a Virginia State Trooper were beaten and robbed in Canton. Both were in town to attend Det. Troy Chesley's funeral and show support to the Baltimore PD.

Good to know that the Navy and the Secret Service are unofficially protecting our malls.

Armed robbery at the Rotunda, and a 17-year-old in a stolen Jeep tried to run down the police.

Things are looking bad for Jemini Jones.

Careful with that O'Douls: you might get charged with an open container violation

A transgendered woman got busted during her attempt to become transidentified.

The state has four years to fix the city jail.

There's a joke in here somewhere about the crime of O'Malley being governor and Dixon being mayor. It just isn't feeling funny to me this morning.


  1. The big issue isn't the O'Doul's - it's the 1000+ nuisance crimes in Oct. which a) have had enforcement time expended to punish them and b) are basically gonna be 'allowed' and encouraged because Lenny Hamm never trained his people to do their jobs satisfactorily. And it contributes to the judicial perception that Baltimore cops are incompetent.

    The court was probably correct in this and really, we do have a lot of yahoos on the force. Dixon retains Hamm, and Hamm retains incompetence.

  2. Forty condoms? Taped behind a drawer? Sounds like it wasn't Jemini Jones' first time, and wouldn't have been the last.

  3. D's i went to school with Jemini, it's ashame because he's a smart guy, but obviously not smart enough not to have sex with offenders in a police station.

    and 40?? wow, sure they didn't find some viagra as well,because i think anyone would need help using all those condoms

  4. Double shooting reported on Calhoun St. on the West Side. Two dead.

  5. I almost missed the story about the two cops being robbed before the funeral.
    "This city has been horrible lately."
