Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19, evening

Rodney Thomas, aka "Skinny Suge," 31, of the 2500 block of Edmondson Avenue, pleaded guilty to first-degree assault on Wednesday before the Honorable Martin P. Welch. Thomas was sentenced to 15 years in prison, however, Judge Welch suspended all but three years, ordered a three-year-term of probation and $1,471 restitution to the victim. While outlining the facts of the plea to the court, prosecutor Rita Wistoff-Ito noted that the victim recognized and knew the defendant from his appearance in the "Stop Fucking Snitching Vol. 1" DVD. The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Thomas May 1, 2006 for first-degree assault. Court documents allege that on February 13, 2006 following an argument with the victim, Thomas assaulted an employee of the USA Boutique in Mondawmin Mall striking her in the head. The victim also sustained a chipped bottom tooth, black eye, bruised lip and a fractured nose from the attack. In a separate incident on February 18, 2006, Thomas was charged with robbery. That case was nol prossed following the plea agreement in the above matter, says the SA's office.

Today in Circuit Court a Baltimore City jury found Terrance Wynn guilty of robbery with a deadly weapon; plain old robbery; first-degree assault; two counts of second-degree assault; theft over $500; wear, carry, transport and use of a handgun during a crime; two counts of reckless endangerment and and two counts of false imprisonment. Say the facts:
In the late afternoon of Sunday, August 28, 2004 Terrence Wynn entered the home of Curtis Stokes in the 3100 block of Ravenwood Avenue under the guise of purchasing a T-shirt. He and an accomplice robbed and assaulted Mr. Stokes, Ms. Darlene Richardson, and Ms. Sagundra Poole of approximately $40,000 in cash, goods, CD’s, clothing, a cell phone and jewelry. Terrence Wynn and his accomplice then falsely imprisoned the three victims in Mr. Stokes' basement while fleeing the scene. Terrence Wynn faces a possible 170 years of incarceration at sentencing scheduled for March 26, 2007 in Part Four.

Oooh, The Sun now has a way to filter just the Baltimore City news. So handy for those of us who don't like to waste time thinking about anywhere else!

Cap'n Karl Hickerson was charged with 95 counts of being a pervert.

Apparently, Kenneth Trivett thought drugs and helicopters would go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

"...But I don't think that any of us want to think of Baltimore as a city that knows how to make excuses." Actually, Sheila, I don't want to think of Baltimore as a city where nearly 300 people are murdered each year. Do you think you can help with that, or will we get more excuses?

Wow... we've sunk to stealing pugs. That's wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to start.


  1. That Skinny Suge ... is that the skinny one with the braids in the stop snitching video?

    Anyhow it's such a relief to know that assaulting people and causing multiple injuries is good for 3 years... maybe if he killled the person he would have gotten off completely.

  2. So before 9 on Saturday (tomrorrow) you'll be tending at the 'Voo? I'm, free from 5 p.m. on, if I come in will you (invent and) mix me a 'Skinny Suge'?

  3. And I have no idea who's in that video; sans subtitles it might well be Shanghaiese!

  4. A skinny suge? hmmm...

    1 part psychosis
    2 parts violence
    splash of ignorance

    served in a tall glass , unchilled

  5. oh and garnish with a bullet casing or sharp blade

  6. Actually, Skinny Suge is the guy on the cover of Stop Snitching, and is featured throughout. He's the "host", if you will. I rented it out from Video Americain.
    You know what feature that DVD needs? Subtitles!

  7. So one part Jager, two shots of tequila and a splash of Zima?

  8. So one part Jager, two shots of tequila and a splash of Zima?

    i just threw up a little

  9. What a great opportunity to throw the proverbial book at a jerk who a) is an advocate for witness intimidation and b)beats up two different women (and robs one of them). Instead, he gets a whopping 3 YEARS (probably 1 or 2 after he gets paroled). The "system" should've done better than that. It should've made a highly publicized example of this guy with a stiffer sentence. This was a missed opportunity. Maybe prosecutors would've had trouble getting the victims to come forward and testify, but if i recall the cases correctly, those women were more than happy to snitch on Skinny Suge and throw his ass in jail. put them on the stand, offer them protection, and nail Skinny for 15 years no parole! None of this suspended sentence bullcrap.

  10. I agree totally, non.
    Three years is outrageous.
    Speaking of threats I'm sure everyone's seen this letter by now...

  11. He should have gotten more time than that for writing in all caps!

  12. Funny thing I never saw that letter before but at the end, i saw the quote that starts "living life we live as thugs" is from a 2pac song called "life as an outlaw" and he didn't even quote it 100% correctly.
