Saturday, January 20, 2007

Scratch that!

I woke up with a sore throat and might not make it but I'll try...
ps., if anyone has a copy of yesterday's post, in their cache or whatever, please send it to me.


  1. COOL! I work until ( saturday so I guess I'll see you there... i almost felt as if I were called out like in the old west... "if you want to talk that's where I'll be"

    I'll be the one behind the bar looking especially ahitated lol

  2. that ) is suppose to be a 9

  3. I added a "!" so it would sound friendlier!

  4. who took da pugs out? woof woof

  5. When I read "That's where I'll be.", I was thinking The Drifters... Up on the Roof.

    Too cold for the roof today.

    See Greg Kanes article on: Even the new Governor is Entitled to a Presumption of Innocence. Of course, the new Governor had the evidence in his criminal case thrown out, so if we're gonna pre-judge alleged copkiller Brandon Grimes, then shouldn't we also impeach O'M ??

  6. I deleted the post by mistake, which I feel awful about.. made me realize how the whole thing could vanish at any time, so I'm going to try to get Kinko's to print me a hard copy of all 712 posts soon.

    If anybody wants one, let me know.

  7. Watch out for that sore throat, I've been sick for a week, and that's how it always starts. Strep's been going around...

  8. Crap.
    I hope not.
    No such thing as sick days in my job...
    I'm going to hit the 'Quil and go to bed now I think...

  9. more pugs, less crime is my bumperstickler!
