Saturday, May 5, 2007

May 5

The two Sudbrook Middle School wannabe-bomber girls are being detained until their trials start. The order came despite compelling statements by their attorneys like, "As you can see, this child is not a danger to anyone."

Ernest Harris Jr. was found not guilty for the 1984 murder of his neighbor, Arden Shirley Epps. The defense claims there were multiple leads that the police failed to pursue, including witness testimony and a person being caught with a gun that belonged to the victim.

A jury rejected Marshall Adams' self-defense claim and convicted him of first-degree murder, despite Adams' claim that he "only stabbed {Leo Morris) seven times."

Coke dealer Nigel Humphrey John Baptiste was sentenced to 25 years yesterday.

"Career criminal" Timothy Dwight Cornwell got 15.5 years for possession of a gun, which he tried to hide in a house's mail slot.

Snow cone stand sex offender Kenneth Barnes was arrested yesterday at his home.

Lots of women were fighting each other this week.

Hey, President Stephanie: If you ever want to be mayor, you should probably stop hiring staffers who try to beat up former Ravens.


  1. Hey, forget if big ole Rawlings Blake wants to be mayor. How about if she wants to win election to stay president! Down with Blake, not because of poor choice of staffer, but because she's an f'd up establishment suck-up.

  2. a novel nuance is added to the word 'only':

    "I only stabbed him seven times."

    And you thought Mad Max was science fiction.

  3. I agree with anonymous - she's a freaking stooge who's got a part in running this city into the ground.

  4. don't forget that Rawlings-Blake's other job is a public defender. She's worked very hard in the past and now to get criminals back on the streets

  5. I just watched Baltimore2ight, the WMAR show by white people, for white people, about white people.

    After touring the Sherwood Gardens of the private Guilford community, they interviewed Police Commr. Lenny Hamm, who talked about skyscrapers going up (for white people) in the downtown, talked about his training in Fabric Design (guess that's why he's so effective as a Commissioner), and talked about his reading list (he seems to have a lot of free time). He says he intends to stay in the job as long as he can and that he's pleased with the direction of the City.

    Not one word about the outrageous crime. Not a whisper, but then again the City doesn't allow it in the upper-middle income white neighrhoods.

    FYI, the very next program on the station, Grace & Glory Late Night, which is for black folk, was specifically on the subject of the yellow-taped, bloodstained, mean streets in this city, decried "the gap in leadership" in government here. Bishop Clifford Johnson of the Mt. Pleasant Ministries in East Baltimore called for the men of the inner city to pretty much dismiss our ineffectual institutions and step up regardless of this inept government.

    Two very different views of the same very divided city.

  6. Go John! Sounds like something I would have wrote...LOL! j/k

    Hamm is such a ham for the cam....LOL!

    Wish I could have saw it.

    But how did you know the show was for white people?..... I like looking at flowers and old world homes too.....especially the system is set up for me to never buy one.

    Got to love Bawlmer

  7. LOL! im sorry to keep on starting new posts....

    but I just wanted to add.....shows that give you an upclose look at homes and gardens in areas like Guilford, Homewood and Bolton Hill are very good....

    I really love looking at houses (seriously).....baltimore has some amazing and unique architecture.

    funny thing tho....everytime I've ever rode or walked through either area people literally stopped and looked at me...LOL!

    funniest sh*t in the world. I guess they though I was casing the neighborhood....LOL! ......and that is funny because all of them keep their windows WIDE open. Some don't even have curtains. I can stand at the curb and see everything. DUH!

    I guess that's a good thing, but it's always funny as hell when it happens. I never cuss or look back at them with a twisted face....I smile and wave...LOL! and keep on walking.

    Bolton Hill residents are the worse or should I say most vigilent Guilford their first thought is prolly that I work in one of the houses.

    I think this show will in fact help Baltimore tremendously....we can now sit in our own homes and be a voyeur instead of quite possibly gettin into some trouble for simply wanting to know a little more about how someone else lives.

  8. Haha, one of those "wannabe bomber girls" is my best friend Morgan.

    We met at Bible camp. Can you believe that?

    I know the real reasons why she wanted to bomb the school.

    In fact, the whole thing was her idea. But her intentions weren't quite as bad as you might think...she only wanted to harm the building, not the students or anyone else inside of it.

    She's a good kid...she just has a messed-up life.

    We're cut from the same cloth--we're both alone, single, bullied, and ignored. We've suffered some pretty bad abuse in our lives. The only difference between us (besides the fact that she's straight) is that she gets rid of her anger the wrong way. She has no outlet for it, whereas I sit at home, watch LazyTown, write slash, eat chocolate, and meditate. I've figured out how to get rid of anger and stress...but she seems to think it's a good idea to bomb her school just because it represents a bad time in her life, because it caused her so much grief for three years.

    I don't support her actions, but I don't hate her for them, either.

    I'm the forgiving type.

    Please don't think she's a completely bad kid, okay?

    We helped each other through some bad times, and I've seen her at her lowest points. Deep down, she's a great kid. She just wants love, friends, and a normal life full of accepting people. Isn't that what a lot of teenagers want?

    To be loved.
