Sunday, May 6, 2007

May 6

Lesa Lynn Thamby was stabbed to death on Friday night in Brooklyn Park (AAC). A neighbor described her as "a very beautiful, very sweet young lady who would do anything for anyone."

9-year-old Gabriel Hudgins of Essex has been missing since Friday afternoon, except social services seems to have taken him out of school and into their custody.

Anthony Green wants to use his tragedy to help kids and parents in truant court.


  1. In the Sun today idiot Rodricks castigates the great Judge Lamdin for his brilliant comments about the mopes that pass through the sphincter of his courtroom. Maybe if Rodricks grandma was blown away by the piece of crap that shot that 67 year old woman on her way home from work he'd feel differently....Rodricks, with his incessant drivel about these poor misunderstood criminals, isn't even worthy of polishing Lamdin's shoes.

  2. Rodericks reads like being stuck on a bus next to some codger prattling about what's wrong with kids today.

    In other news, did you see the Vozzella column today on how Ed Norris might well run for mayor? If the BCrime poll is any yardstick, he could win with twice the votes of McNuggethead. Except that a candidate has to be a city resident as of today, and last I heard he moved to Cow County. Maybe he could move into our guest room... that'd make a wacky sitcom!

  3. I saw this in the Vozella column.

    "And the stark choice on crime-fighting strategies: The blunt-spoken, Zero Tolerance commish versus the mayor who, when asked three times at a news conference last week if she favored decriminalizing drugs, declined three times to answer directly."

    If she knew anything about Ed Norris she'd know that he's been an outspoken critic on the war on drugs. I also don't think that his felony conviction would have prevented him from running for mayor. Felons can't vote (or couldn't in the case of MD) but they can be elected.

  4. Two more murders over the weekend and two vics ID'd in the blotter.

  5. anybody know whether yesterday's fatal shooting was the 200 block of NORTH or SOUTH spring court? the sun doesn't say, and that makes the difference between it being the perkins homes or the douglass homes.

  6. Ten little hoodlums escaped from the Hickey school last night. Five of them are still at large.

    By the way, why do they call that place a school? Everyone knows it's a prison, and the only thing the inmates there are learning is how to be a better criminal.

  7. Oooh, ooh, I forgot to mention this bit.

    "Maryland State Police spokesman Gregory M. Shipley said state juvenile laws restrict police from releasing the identities or photos of the escapees. Complete descriptions were not available."

    Can't release the photos or identities of escaped criminals. Brilliant.
