Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Evening Update

Demetries Sturgis Convicted of First-Degree Murder
A Baltimore City jury yesterday convicted Demetries Sturgis, 22, of the 3000 block of Matthews St. of first degree murder, two counts of second degree murder and several counts of assault. The trial began June 22, 2007. Judge Kaye Allison scheduled sentencing for August 14, 2007.
On July 18, 2006, at approximately 2:30AM in the 400 block of Whitridge Ave. the two victims (Larry Reed of 1409 N. Bond St. and Rasheed Stevenson of 506 Sheridan Ave) got into an argument with Sturgis and another person. Sturgis and the other person left the scene and later returned. It was at this time Sturgis cut and stabbed Rasheed Stevenson 11 times, fatally severing his carotid artery, and then stabbed Larry Reed in his cheek, underarm and thigh. The two victims were then rushed to the hospital by a close friend. Sturgis and the other person fled the scene. The motive for the incident stemmed from the fact that Sturgis did not believe that the victims were legitimate members of the Bloods Gang.
Assistant State's Attorney Kevin Wiggins of the Homicide Division prosecuted this case.
The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Bernard Ramseur, 18, of the 1300 block of N. Gilmore Street for first-degree attempted rape, armed robbery and third-degree sex offense. Court documents allege that Bernard Ramseur was identified by surveillance camera in the 600 block of N. Paca Street as the suspect for the attempted rape, armed robbery and third-degree sex offense on June 14, 2007. As officers approached the location, Ramseur fled the scene but was later found several blocks away in the 400 block of Druid Hill Avenue. An arraignment is scheduled for July 20, 2007 before Judge John M. Glynn, Room 236, Mitchell Courthouse. Assistant State’s Attorney John Park will prosecute this case.


  1. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal-md.kane27xjun27,0,4908303.column?coll=bal-home-columnists

    This nonsense reminds me of The Wire when Burrell is worried about getting fired, Sen. Davis says "Can't you go do some police type s***?"

  2. MdTA Police busted two guys with 42 pounds of ganja in their car. Remind me not to speed if I'm ever transporting several dozen pounds of pot.

  3. Did anyone see this article? MVA Servive to Latinos Faulted. Maybe if they'd stop handing out licenses to illegals this wouldn't be an issue! Yet another reason to detest CASA of Maryland.

  4. New charges may produce a death-penalty case.

    "Federal prosecutors in Baltimore brought new charges yesterday against four men that could make them eligible for the death penalty if they are convicted of killing at least one witness to a crime."

    Come on Rod Rosenstein, do the right thing, send these bastards to death row! It's about time some Baltimore hoodlums got real justice.

  5. If you think Maryland is bad in dealing with criminals, Massachusettes is even worse. Here are a couple of excerpts.

    "The question at the center of the case: Should a murderer serving life in prison get a sex-change operation at taxpayer expense?"

    "But advocates say in some cases -- such as that of Kosilek, who has twice attempted suicide -- sex-change surgery is as much a medical necessity as treatment for diabetes or high blood pressure.

    "The duty belongs to the prison to figure out how to fulfill its constitutional obligations to both provide adequate medical care and provide a fundamental security for all inmates," said Cole Thaler, an attorney with Lambda Legal, a gay- and transgender-rights group."

    Unbelievable. This sort of crap is what makes people vote Republican. This scumbag doesn't deserve to live, he most certainly does not deserve a taxpayer funded sex-change!

  6. I don't know who is stupider, Gregory Kane or Hammster. Kane's column in today's Sun made me want to puke. So Hamm is black, and the criminals are black, and the victims are black. So f'in what?? Race kinship qualifies Hamm to remain police commissioner, when he hasn't had one goddamn idea in his baked noggin on how to police this city??
