Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 26

"I haven't fired anyone yet," said Dixon, and Hamm says the Brown pension deal was "legal" and "above board, " cold comfort to injured and disabled officers living on $700 a month. Meanwhile, the City Council wants a "review" to be "investigated."

The State declined to press charges against Examiner editor Frank Keegan this morning; prosecutors entered a Nolle prosse, Latin for "free pass." The Sun had plenty to add, but the douchebag neighbor had no comment.

More on yesterday's "Smackdown" (or, "Smack Down").


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. I couldn't remember the particulars of the Frank Keegan case so I went and found this article.

    Interesting line... "The police report also shows that Keegan remained inside his residence, behind closed doors, during the dispute."

    I would think someone pounding on your door who will not leave would at least be escorted away from the sceen by the police, and possibly warned about tresspassing. At least I would expect that in a normal city. I would not expect the person in the house to be arrested... But then we are talking about Baltimore...

  4. A few years ago a couple of guys shot an armed crackhead who broke into either their home or business (can't remember the details.) In most normal places if you shoot an armed intruder who's threatening you that's self-defense, right? Not in Baltimore. Both of them were prosecuted for murder by our glorious state's attorney. They were found innocent, but it still cost them huge amounts of time and money.

  5. Ah, here is a brief summary of the story that I mentioned, and here is a longer version of it. If you've ever wanted proof that Pat Jessamy is a truly vile human being, there it is.

  6. Yes, and to make it worse, the Der family is one of the original founders of the now-absent Chinese immigrant community in Baltimore, which was located around Park & Mulberry after being moved to make way for the downtown department stores on Marion. Nearly all of them left when it became clear that Baltimore government was openly embracing the hoodlum lifestyle after the 70's.

  7. I found appalling a comment made by Governor O'Malley, with respect to the pension question. He said that it was important to see if this type of situation was unprecedented(I'm paraphrasing as when I went to WBAL to find the video clip, there wasn't one)
    Why is it important to see if this situation is not a first? What does that have to do with whether this situation is right or wrong? Does he think before he speaks? I think he does, and this is why I find him utterly slimy and disgusting.

  8. Most of the corruption in Baltimore City government is highly 'precedented'. That hardly makes it ethical or legal.

    Maybe we need a new precedent. Heads should and keep on rolling until we get to the highest government official who condoned or abetted this behavior.

    Hamm shoul be 1) fired and 2) sued for contribution.

  9. Hamm should be prosecuted. Ed Norris was thrown in jail for a couple thousand dollars in questionable spending. The Hammster & Marcus Brown have managed to scam the taxpayers out of fifty-five thousand dollars per year for the next few decades. Come on Rod Rosenstein, surely a federal law violated here somewhere.

  10. Sam Yee was certianly correct about this blog.

  11. William,

    Very uninformative. Examples? Additional Information? Anything?

    BTW the Sun's article gives the key piece of information on why the charges. The pointing of the shotgun clearly visible through the window. Yeah the neighbor was a buthead for going over to "confront" him, but that's not a reason to point a shotgun at someone on your porch.

  12. "Yeah the neighbor was a buthead for going over to "confront" him, but that's not a reason to point a shotgun at someone on your porch."

    Git off ma propatey!

  13. Hamm should not be prosecuted, alone. He did not do this on his own. His benefit in providing documentation for someone else to get a pension,was what? Is it a benefit to take the fall for someone higher up?
    To compare Hamm to Norris is apples compared to oranges,as Norris benefited himself whereas Hamm provided for another. How is this the same?????????? Unless Hamm was paid for his signature, and that remains to be seen, why would he do this?
    Maybe someone higher up,hmmmm? someone who could make life hard,hmmmmmmmmm? threaten with firing,hmmmmm? directed him so that his new appointee could benefit

  14. Sam Yee is another paid off mouth piece, who thinks we "little people" shouldn't dare question the actions of our "betters".
