Friday, June 22, 2007

June 22

The man shot yesterday as he drove on Ellerslie Avenue near Greenmount and 33rd was named as George Wilson, 24.
Two beatings last May have become homicides: a 35-year-old found May 19 in the Executive Inn on Pulaski Highway, and a
40-year-old man "found lying naked and bleeding from multiple injuries in the 1800 block of Presstman St. about 4:30 a.m. May 23."

brownieSnake-eyes Marcus Brown and his pension are still causing a whole lot of trouble for Hamm. Councilman Jack Young has joined Keiffer and the Examiner editorial page in calling for the Commissioner's canning.hamm
And there's more ... Jayne discovered that Brown actually got the pension before it was approved ... though officials say that's not unusual. And Dixon says she's "bothered" and "wants answers," but "Before I make any judgments, I need to get some clarity about it."
Holistic clarity now!

Former Baltimore police offiicer Michael B. Nelson, 26, and his wife, Tierra Spencer Nelson, 24, pled guilty to mail and wire fraud. Michael worked in the Western and in Central Booking for six months; Tierra has two previous convictions.

"City police commander's kin admits 3 robberies" ... and it's not about Nicole Sisker, either!

Two men, Michael Paul Martin, 28, and Robert Edward Speake, 18, have been charged with stabbing and beating Phillip Calvin Airey Jr. to death and leaving him in the trunk of a burning Geo Prizm on a 295 off-ramp.
Police believe Airey was killed during a fight with the suspects in Curtis Bay (South Baltimore).

In Westminster, "An alleged drug dealer learned the folly of calling police to his Westminster home and then admitting that he sold bongs over the Internet."

Today in Sex
William Edward Wray, II, 50, Crespatown was indicted for sexually exploiting a minor to produce child pornography, and receipt and possession of child pornography; for two years he made photos and videos of a minor female "engaged in sexually explicit conduct."

Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays, and Family Leader Network filed a petition with the MD Board of Ed. yesterday, demanding no gay talk or condom-on-banana tricks in MoCo middle schools. The groups claim the subjects are off-limits by law as the curriculum is the subject of a legal appeal.
Wonder what their stance is on teaching the kids about all the pedophiles out there?!


  1. The Examiner reports on the limitations of CompStat. Hint: it's all about people making good use of systems, not vice versa.

  2. Eyes are playing tricks again. I'd swear your caption read 'Jack Young joins Mitchell and the editor of the Examiner in calling for Hamm's caning.' Of course, now that you mention it....

  3. The Marcus Brown story gets even better. According to WBAL he started receiving his pension months BEFORE it was approved by the state pension board. Brown and the Hammster should be prosecuted for this.

  4. BTW, it's not even mid-year and we've exceeded the total annual homicides of Las Vegas.

  5. Does that mean Brown is being $127,000 for being Chief of the MdTA AND $55,000 for his 15 year pension from Baltimore?

    If so, that's $182,000 a year, plus benefits!

    Come on, I believe police officers should be highly paid, but damn!

  6. I've been in Baltimore for almost three years now and have started reading this blog regularly only since a few weeks.
    Keep up the great work... it's actually very unfortunate to see so much crime here, I mean, I am from the 'third world' where poverty is far more unimaginable than anywhere in the US and yet I've never felt the need to be mortally afriad back home. All you worried about there was pickpockets. Mercifully guns aren't ubiquitously available as they are here.

    I've been a recent victim of the Traffic fines system, getting a ticket near my university under entirely dubious circumstances. I had a court date yesterday at the District Court on 700 E. Patapsco in the city... and guess what? The courts were suspended and everyone with a 9 and 11 a.m. date was sent back because of an electrical power issue. It means that there'll be a fresh appointment and another half day of work to be sacrificed.

    Does anyone know if it is possible to address greivences like this?

  7. "I've been a recent victim of the Traffic fines system"

    Join the crowd! Yesterday I got a letter in the mail saying I had an unpaid abandoned vehical citation. Strange, my car didn't feel abandoned when I drove it home from work. So I'll get to waste my time challenging it in court as well. Normally I'd just pay the bad ticket, but abandoned vehicle is a $150 fine, and I'm not willing to shell that out over a false ticket.

  8. Yes, the established method of addressing a grievance with this dysfunctional system of government is... to go to BWI airport and book a flight to a real city, with baggage in hand.

    In the alternative, be prepared for a littany of excuses.

  9. Whoa, that should be *vehicle* citation. I need to be careful about my typos or people will think I went to Baltimore public schools.

  10. Well, my fine is for parking in a Handicap Only spot, and this happened in the first week of March when the signs were still being placed. Some areas had temporary makeshift signs that were far from clear.

    Anyways, does anyone think handicap spots are disproportionately higher in number considering the number of people who have handicap permits?

    The area in the immediate vicinity of UMB has been considered by and large 'safe'. If you're a resident of Ridgely's Delight neighbourhood you'd know better. Sometime about 2 months ago a university student living three doors from my house was shot in her sternum at 9-30 in the morning by a potential housebreaker who fired through the door, and subsequently for a few days we had police patrol. That's forgotten now. She left Baltimore with a bullet permanently lodged inside her. A couple of weeks prior to that incident a UMB student was accosted by a gang of teenagers half a block from his house. He used his presence of mind by grabbing what he thought was a fake gun being held at his abdomen by one of the kids, shoved it down and shouted for help. The kids dispersed after a few neighbours opened their doors. The student in question was advised by the police to *NOT* press charges. Wonder why?

    (BTW, sorry for the typo in my previous post too : grievance)

  11. FYI, the Sun has borrowed Burgersub's interactive mapping concept.

  12. Flash: another police-involved shooting at Frederick & Rockland in Southwest.

  13. Now, I know this isn't crime (at least, not directly), but the city school system is sending a delegation of five to China! And they say the purpose is to teach Chinese educators to teach the way we do in Balimore!

    Is that some kind of industrial sabotage attempt to derail their economy?

    Adminstrator Barbara Wheeler said it more plainly... a chance of a lifetime to go to China (on the public's dime).

  14. The bad news is there's no effective way to call the Baltimore city government about traffic court. I once had a parking ticket that was pretty much my fault, so I just paid it immediately. A month letter, I get a summons saying I requested to challenge the ticket. I was going to ignore it, but a cop I knew said if the court doesn't know why you didn't show up, it's your fault. So I made the futile attempt to contact somebody about it. I called every couple days for 2 weeks, and the few times I got through to somebody, they would immediately put me on hold that would cut off after a couple minutes. Furiously, I had to take a day off of work to go sit in traffic court. I stood up when my name was called, I told the judge I got the ticket, I paid the ticket, I never requested this trial, and now I'm losing more money by having to be here. He apologized and sent me on my way. And from my observation that day, MOST of the people were just sent on their way. Another example of Baltimore efficiency, HON!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hmm. Hammbone's sticking his head in the sand amidst a potentially serious ethics concern and denying any wrong doing...

    People, I think we've got it all wrong. Hammbone should be Mayor.

  17. I grew up in Cresaptown! It's not exactly a big place. EVERYBODY would know who this guy is and where he lives. It would suck to be him.

  18. The deterioration in public safety around Charles Village just keeps on going. First from the east, now from the west.

  19. Compared mayoral candidates Mitchell and Carter on Ed Norris show yesterday. Carter said Hamm should have been fired, and Brown's pension funds frozen pending investigation which she was requesting state prosecutor to conduct.
    Mitchell danced around the issue and said the city council should hold hearings on the matter. Hands down Carter Won the debate and my vote. She xposed Mitchell as part of the problems in Baltimore, and she was very quick and proactive on the Marcus Brown, Hamm issue. Mitchell just talked like a polititian and acted like he couldn't do anything. He didn't seem very smart which really surprised me.
