Saturday, June 23, 2007

June 23

Moeen Sadiq Raja, 21, was shot to death in Ellicott City at about 11:45 Friday night, "in a parking lot near the county executive center and other government buildings."

Girard Scott Hall Jr. and Frances Theresa Childress were both shot and stabbed in their Hillendale townhouse.

Shots were fired indiscriminately in Remington yesterday afternoon in an apparent homicide attempt that failed miserably.

A 10-year-old girl died after a hit-and-run in West Baltimore yesterday afternoon, and a man was shot in the chest at the Westport light rail station in South Baltimore last night.

In the Blotter: A 16-year-old was shot in the right knee, a 27-year-old was shot in the right hand, a woman was maced by two other women, and people all over the city are either into insurance fraud or leave a lot of valuable stuff in their cars.

Breaking news: teenagers have some mighty creative ways to hide drug use from their parents and teachers.


  1. "Michael Gimbel pulled out a pink-tinted hookah, its snaking hose dangling behind it ... 'You think kids are sitting and smoking this for hours ... without [putting] marijuana in it?' he asked a roomful of Baltimore County school counselors Friday. It was one of many new tricks the counselors learned."

    bwhahahah! Poor counselors!
    What's the alcohol awareness class?
    "Michael Gimbel pulled out a foam koozie. 'Do you think kids sit there for hours without putting beer in it?' He asked. 'That's right,Brewskis. Hop cocktails. Foamy widowmakers!'"

  2. What an idiot. My friends and I did a fair bit of hookah smoking, but we never smoked the reefer out of it. If you're smoking the ganj you want to be able to get rid of the evidence quickly, a hookah's way to big and non-disposable.

  3. hey, what about the guy who was shot presumably while driving his car on Mosher at Division Street early Saturday morning. His car hit other cars, rolled to the left side and he fell out with GSW to the belly, head and arm.

    wonder where the news is on that one??

  4. It'll probably show up in Thursday's Blotter.

  5. "in a parking lot near the county executive center and other government buildings." Give me a break. If that's the way they want to view it then anything south of north ave in the city is near city hall, and other government buildings.

    The location given on West springs in the Howard crossing apartments (old Town and County Apts). The same place HoCo's 1st vic of the year lived. Casual drug dealing, fights, and B&E are relatively common for the apartment complex. The guy's home address is just over the hill from the shooting.

    I used to live in a townhouse in the neighborhood until last year, so this might count as another incident in the list of places I used to live at.
