Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21

Was the killing of Rosedale resident Carl Lackl really because he was planning to testify in a murder case? "Or was his death a drive-by shooting for no other reason than the shooter’s desire to do something 'crazy?'"

The city police pension board may have let Marcus Brown's million-something retirement payoff stand, but Chairman of the Police Pension Board, Steven Fugate, is still fuming, calling Marcus Brown a "crooked cop."

Former Senator Thomas "I don't use the N-word, but he was an N" Bromwell pled guilty to federal racketeering and tax crimes, "ending one of the state's largest corruption investigations in many years."
Will he soon resign from the board of First Mariner Bank?

In MoCo, a Liberian immigrant raped and molested a 7-year-old relative, but because of the difficulties finding an interpreter, after three years the case was dismissed.


  1. I doesn't say in the article, but what party does he belong too?

  2. Not that it matters, since corruption is rampant in both parties, but he was a Democrat from District 8.

  3. Lionbridge makes a killing on interpretation. I think some of their contracts stink like they were Halliburton.

    The fact that he went to high school and community college (and presumably passed) make me suspicious that he could understand the court proceedings as much as an American idiot.

  4. Please, please remember in reporting the Marcus Brown scandal that he's actually getting $55,000 per year, which is a present value of about $1,000,000 given his age.

  5. Has anyone followed Philadelphia's lawsuit against the State? It argues that the legislature creates a 'state of danger' by allowing certain personal liberties.

    I'd argue that Maryland creates a 'state of danger' by allowing Baltimore charter home rule authority, when it routinely fails at the most basic and essential services.

  6. Hey cybrarian, please delete any post with the idiotic "lol" tag. It's so insipid and annoying.

  7. "Not that it matters, since corruption is rampant in both parties, but he was a Democrat from District 8. "

    In Maryland I doubt that there are too many corrupt Republicans. Not much point in bribing politicians from a political party that has no power in this state.

  8. All the past admin people were crooked, what's new? Brown is no exception. Anyone find the missing 58 million yet?
