Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 22

A gunfight at round 2 .am. last night near Power Point Live, and 25-year-old 25-year-old army Corporal Alexander Larkin lost to a city cop.

Friday, brand-new commissioner Bealefeld took the genius step of firing notoriously unhelpful police spokesman Matt Jablow, replacing him with one Sterling Clifford. Said the CP of Jablow last September,
"he's declared himself an obstructionist to some of [the CP staff], saying we can only get information from him at the end of the statutory limits of the Maryland Public Information Act. He chalked this line for us in a threat, issued to try to keep us from printing on-the-record comments of his that he regretted. Then he took to ignoring some of our calls altogether."
Rodericks: give zero-tolerance a chance

Stat of the Day: "Blacks in the United States are imprisoned at more than five times the rate of whites, and Hispanics are locked up at nearly double the white rate," according to a study released Wednesday by the Sentencing Project, a "think tank" that opposes mandatory minimum prison terms.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Bye Jablow go get another job with OMalley. That guy used to lie like a bad poker player. Rot in hell.

  3. Whites in prison:
    Could the simple answer be that, Whites are afraid to go to prison?
    They get killed, raped, and basically terrorized there. And lately, I have heard that Hispanics have it bad also, but the difference is, Hispanics stand up and fight.

  4. The dude who was killed at PowerPlant sounds like a jackass. A .50 caliber handgun? What was he trying to do, go grizzly bear hunting? Sounds like quite a pathetic wannabe badass.

  5. No one ever needs to carry a Desert Eagle around on their person, even in Bodymore.
    This guy was a maniac, and obviously not a very good shot. Good riddance.

  6. after reading the article on jablow it seems like one Gus Sentementes has a bad case of man crush on Matt.

  7. ppatin,

    Yep, the guy is a jackass. Go to the Maryland Casesearch website ( and check out how many suspended license & criminal charges he has faced in the past five years. The military must be really desperate to allow guys like him join the ranks.

  8. Whites in prison:
    Could the simple answer be that, Whites are afraid to go to prison?
    They get killed, raped, and basically terrorized there. And lately, I have heard that Hispanics have it bad also, but the difference is, Hispanics stand up and fight.


  9. 1st i know this man and hes not what they are aking him out to b. yes we dated as well, but these officers is trying to look good for the damn press. and all that said stupid shyt out ur mouth fuck all yall cuz i know who he really is. and yes im mad that u all dont no this person but want 2 talk down on sum1.
