Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August 15

This Ink has murders from August 7-12, and news of arrests for some of this years' murders, good news we so rarely hear about ... and Did You Know? Perry Costley's murder in July made the third occassion this year in which a murder was closed because the suspect himself was murdered.

Yike! A 14-year-old girl was harassed by a man in a tan Kia while walking in Govans. She ran home, called the police, and... "A short time later, police found the car and a man in the 800 block of Woodbourne Ave. and arrested him. In the vehicle, police found a length of rope, a blanket and a knife. Held at Central Booking and Intake Center was Bobby Ray Stanberry, 35, of Suitland. Agent Donny Moses, a police spokesman, said Stanberry had been charged twice with raping two prostitutes, but the charges were dropped because of the credibility of the victims."

"A murder suspect who was mistakenly released from custody in May, and subsequently surrendered when he was notified of the mistake, had his murder charge dropped by prosecutors yesterday. ... prosecutors did not have enough evidence to proceed with a case against James C. Burton, charged with killing Aaron Godbolt, 23, in March 2006 as he stood on Reisterstown Road in Northwest Baltimore." - "By a Sun reporter" (?)

The State is looking for Kenyan Anastasia Olouch, wanted for abusing an elderly man.

"Mayor Sheila Dixon's administration introduced legislation in the City Council [Monday] to tighten the city's pension law after a former top police deputy received a lucrative pension deal -- a proposal that may end similar arrangements in the future."
So it wasn't illegal to make false statements to the pension board and file fraudumlent paperwork before?

Gee, the new gun control plan sounds a little dangerous: A man trying to flee police fell 50 feet and then got hit by a Chevy Malibu. JZ quotes Donny Moses: "He was armed and in accordance with what the mayor's trying to do. We are trying to get these handguns off the streets."

Jeffrey Corporal, 22, was found guilty of armed robbery, reckless endangerment, using a handgun in a crime of violence and having a handgun in a vehicle after robbing Mike Kim of Parkside Liquors.

Down in Annapolis, Leeander Blake got life, finally.

At Sandy Point State Park, Juan Payz Reyes was arrested for raping two teenage Sheppard Pratt patients.

City to homeless: Move It!


  1. I'd be really pissed if some stupid criminal fell onto my car.

  2. 100,000 murders in the US since 9-11 and no one is talking crime.

  3. So, a known molester is just driving around Govans.

    People, in criminal justice there are two types of risk:

    1) idiosyncratic risk - the likelihood that an otherwise law-abiding person suddenly goes postal or stabs his girlfriend in a fit of jealousy or despairing over the imminent foreclosure of the family farm robs the town bank.

    2) systematic risk - the likelihood that a known person of suspect intention actualizes his criminal potential at a particular moment in a particular place.

    The expectation of the former is nonzero, but rather small. Since you cannot police everything everywhere all the time, some crime owing to idiosyncratic risk will slip between the cracks. It happens, in Baltimore, in Peoria, wherever. People are fallible. A priori there is no reason to think that the crime rate per capita owing to that risk would be higher in one town than in another, so you probably wouldn't deploy a small army of police just in case.

    However, systematic risk is another thing entirely. Baltimore has a very large population of 'problem people', and because of inadequate policing, it actually draws offenders from other jurisdictions.

    The expectation of crime from these people is entirely susceptible of reduction. It's called a treatment effect. You experience systematic crime; you apply policing. The more crime, the more policing until it diminishes. If you undersupply policing (including accessory services), you can expect both the criminal population and the marginal propensity to offend to increase. If you oversupply policing, eventually the crime will subside as will the need for the excess policing.

    Baltimore allows crime to go unsurveilled and unpunished.

    Baltimore has very high unchecked systematic crime. The reasonable expectation of crime in Baltimore B is quite high. Correcting it would be quite simple: apply police resources until it drops off. The failure to so police is due to the rationing of a meagerly-funded and essential public service.

    Absent wartime, decent governments do not ration the most essential public service. They allocate available resources to it until supply meets demand (crime).

    The choice to undersupply the essential public service is nothing short of unconscionable. This government is effectively an accessory to the systematic crime that goes on here daily, largely because its voting constituency is criminal-sympathetic. Doesn't matter! You don't get to choose to appeal to criminals. That's not a valid use of government authority.

    No one should be surprised by the Govans kidnapping; we knew the guy was a weirdo.... and let him do it anyway. Several times.

    Was he being surveilled? Nope.
    Was that crime-ridden section of Govans being surveilled? Nope.

    So, let's not pretend surprise at the stuff that goes on in Baltimore. Your government has chosen to encourage this behavior. It's why you're the second-worst city in the nation.

    No surprise.

    See Kane's column regarding the relative acceptability thresholds of different cities.

    That said, I've got to wonder how well-surveilled this convict and accused murderer will be now that he's out again ?

  4. Leeander Blake was officialy given a life sentence today. Hopefully that little animal will quickly get shanked in prison.

  5. The Anne Arundel PD found 32 pounds of ganja.

  6. I hope that stupid criminal who fell to his death was the same scumbag who tossed a kitten off the same overpass about a year ago.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
