Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16

The Examiner has new & different details in the story of the freaky near-kidnapping in Govans. Bobby Ray Stanberry's previous victims may not have been prostitutes-- in fact, no one knows exactly who they were because they disappeared.
And, in addition to a knife and rope, he also had some black-girl-focused porn.
Also freaky: no other news outlets have covered this story, even the tv stations that reliably go apeshit over less. Wonder why?

In AAC, serial killer Alexander Wayne Watson Jr. pled guity today to killing Boontem Andersen in 1986, Mary Elaine Shereika in 1988, and 14-year-old Kathleen Haenel in 1993, and will spend life in prison without parole.

Blotter bits: "John Hinton, 32, remained in critical condition at Johns Hopkins Hospital after he was stabbed in the stomach Tuesday. Hinton drove to the 300 block of E. 24th St. about noon, where he fell to the pavement. He was unable to tell police who stabbed him or where the attack occurred. Police said he had $4,000 in his pockets."
Also an arrest for the murder of Tarik Tynes, a teenager mugged at gunpoint in Bolton Hill, a gunshot through a car window on E. Belvedere Avenue, and a stolen tractor, Lexus, Toyota and a Ford pickup.

Eight years for pedophile pastor Gerald F. Griffith, whose victims testified even though some were shunned by family members and had faithful congregants mumbling during their testimony.

A police chase ended in a car crash at the intersection of Pratt and Smallwood streets in Southwest Baltimore yesterday.

FYI, MD schools are getting worse.


  1. Gee, Baltimore has the worst school system in Maryland. Who would've thought...

    On another note, it looks like Keiffer Mitchell's father may have misused even more money than was originally reported. Jill Carter's campaign also has only $8,000 in cash on hand. It's a pity how her run for mayor has gone nowhere, she's the only semi-serious candidate who I don't despise at this point. Oh well, at least four more years of Sheila Dixon will probably push down housing prices as people flee the city...

  2. Jeffrey Corporal got a 40 year sentence for robbing a liquor store :)

  3. I was looking at the murder ink maps and was wondering what source they use for their neighborhood delineations. They mention x murders in this neighborhood this year vs. y murders in this neighborhood. Is there a website or a couple of websites that clearly list the streets/boundaries of neighborhoods? Any help would be appreciated.


  4. I thought yesterday's article only had the conviction, not the sentence.

  5. Neighborhood map? Ask and ye shall receive.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I found a really good pdf download available for free at:

    Neighborhood Map with Zip Codes

    Thanks for the help.

  8. Gregory Williams got a decade of federal (that means no parole, yay!) prison time on a gun charge.

  9. So, it seems Stanberry's two prior victims chose not to appear at his trials, so he got off. {No pun intended.} Soooo,... we have something called contempt of court for ignoring a subpoena. Has the county served them ??

    Hello! The crime is not dismissable by the victim because they don't want to go to court; it's a transgression against the society as a whole.

  10. don't look at murder ink's maps, look at mine, from which they stole the idea (in the same issue as an article in which they interviewed me about them, no less!).

  11. From looking at your website it appears that you are quite the fan of David Simon.

  12. We actually don't know anything about what happened to them-- if they chose not to show up, or if something more sinister was involved.

    That girl is a freaking hero-- not many people would have the presence of mind to memorize a license number in a situation like that.

  13. i am a fan of david simon, but i just added those stupid ads a couple of weeks ago because i need money and those were the only things to try to sell that i thought of in the five minutes i took to put them on there. it was a stupid idea though because of course nobody's buying anything. i'm probably going to take them down soon, i think they're just making me look like a tool.

  14. Haven't been to Burgersub-land for a while....

    Holy Crap! Look at the damn (partial) shootings so far this year !

    Hope a bridge falls on Dixon for allowing this to continue.

  15. Sheilla Dixon's sister got paid $20,000 for work on the interim mayor's campaign. At least it wasn't taxpayer money this time around.

  16. You know, I'm starting to think that if Baltimore's electorate is stupid enough to elect the corrupt, mainstream candidates again and again, then they deserve their fate.

    You want to see something funny? Check out Dixon's Campaign finance history?... Its amusing.

  17. A woman was found beaten to death in her home by a mail carrier in Brooklyn.
