Friday, August 17, 2007

August The 17th Of This Year, 2007

There still may be questions about what number of homicide we're at (The Sun's count, our count), but if this blog is correct, number two-oh-four was discovered yesterday morning by a US Postal Carrier in Brooklyn.

Her sister's on her campaign payroll? Isn't this the sort of thing that got Sheila Dixon in hot water a couple of years ago?

Serial Killer Alexander Wayne Watson Jr. met with the families of his victims but "never apologized, and never dropped eye contact with [Jennifer Shereika Scott] as he answered questions about killing Elaine Shereika in 1988." Can you say "creepy"?

A fight at Metropolitan Transition Center sent seven prisoners to the hospital with stab wounds.

Going to the Reservoir anytime soon? Keep your eyes open for rabid wildlife.


  1. FYI, our murder stats are off. I'm working on updating everything, and hope to have it done by Monday morning.

  2. Anthony Mabray got a six year sentence for bank robbery and carjacking.

  3. I call upon each member of the City Council to Take the Pledge or fail in their duty to the citizens.

  4. And once again, I find myself in the unlkely position of substantive agreement with Rodricks regarding Dixon's thinly-veiled crime-tolerant intent.

  5. Sorry, Galt - the combination of arrogance, delusion, and sheer idiocy won't permit the candidates to do that.

  6. This Dixon program is all about politics, not reality. Two dozen blocks out of some 15,000 get foot patrols for a couple of months. Funding is earmarked for officers' business cards and cookouts.

    Residents are the first to point out that this isolated approach just temporarily pushes the crime to a neighboring block. "Once they stop presenting themselves, it's going to go back to the way it was before," they say.

    So, if you wanted to do it right, what would you need? Not much, other than enough officers. But that wouldn't be 25 officers; it would be more like 3,750 officers dedicated to foot patrol.

    That what 'community policing' takes. Lotsa personnel. And Dixon shows no indication of providing the substance of policing, community or otherwise.

    Just more Baltimore smoke & mirrors.
