Saturday, August 18, 2007

August 18

51-year-old Karen Kutchey was the woman who was found by a postal carrier on Thursday. She was stabbed to death outside the well-kept Brooklyn house where she'd grown up and still lived with her elderly mother. In an impressive display of sentimentality, BPD spokesman Troy Harris was quoted as saying, "Right now it's too early to know if she was targeted or if this was a crime of opportunity or whatever."

Frederick Moore had a mouthful of crack and a pocketful of cash when he was shot to death on Wednesday night in the 700 block of Brune St. in the Western.

In the Kitty Genovese department: A 71-year-old man was beaten with his own cane in Baltimore County on Wednesday night, but none of the Stoneleigh residents bothered to call 911 when they heard a commotion.

The failed Molotov cocktail attack against the home of Cecil County Sheriff's Cpl. Don Alexander doesn't appear to have been directed specifically towards Alexander. So is it more or less comforting to know that some shit-for-brains in Cecil County thinks it's fun to randomly lob Molotov cocktails at people's houses?

Some jackass (who happens to be the senior VP of a data security firm) thought it would be a good idea to behave suspiciously while carrying a concealed Glock at BWI. Meanwhile, our protectors at the TSA didn't bother to tell anyone what happened for nearly three weeks.

Your HIPAA at work: A 25-year-old former worker at Harbor Hospital got two years in federal prison for using a patient's personal information to buy $60K worth of goodies. She also has to pay $123,000 in restitution, so she might want to get busy fudging her résumé so she can get another hospital job.

Local cops have "adopted" 27 of the most troubled blocks of the city, in hopes their work will have a long-term positive effect with the community's perception of police. Really, though, the article just demonstrates that every police strategy on the table right now is a political tool for someone to get elected. We'll see what strategies stick around after November.

An e-mail hoax? Why, I never...

Gregory Kane got some misadressed mail, investigated, and learned that the state sells a list of "traffic scofflaws" to lawyers, who then send ads to prospective clients.


  1. After the election? After the election crime is allowed. In fact, all the 60-ish police officers who retire each month will provide Sheila D. with over $200,000,000 in unspent salaries over her 4-year term which she can siphon off to more handouts to her church.

    Oh, did we forget about that deal ?

  2. This is why I'm getting the hell out of Dodge - I've been within walking distance of five murders in Brooklyn, while all of Allegany County has recorded a grand total of zero murders in 2007.

  3. See that, Sheila? You're losing constituents. You'd be losing me, too, but there've been so many murders in my neighborhood that nobody will buy my house.

  4. And, alas, the abandonment of Baltimore in the wake of the inevitable bust to its every boom is the only message the dumb politicians here ever understand.

    Of course, by that point it's way, way too late because the financial wear-with-all for the necessary public services (read: policing and sanitation) is correspondingly gone.


  5. allegany county? come on. unless you find the property taxes prohibitive, you should just move to hampden, which also has zero murders this year but still has plenty of rednecks.

  6. Ahh, lovely Hampden, where 2 out of 3 residents look like the dudes tasered every night on "Cops", stumble-bumbling down the Avenue in their Boh stained wife-beater tank tops, sporting matted mullets, muttering about the O's recent loss through their remaining four snaggle teeth. Not exactly the Moveable Feast type experience I was hoping for, burgersub.

  7. that's only the older people. we've got plenty of tall-tee wearing yo-boys and pregnant loud-mouthed 16 year-old girls too. do you really think you won't see that sort of thing in cumberland though?

  8. As a person who grew up in Allegany County I can attest to the fact that there are rednecks and other undesirables there, but no more than B'more and with the bonus that they aren't killing those around them just to "keep it real".

  9. isn't that basically what i just said?

  10. Every time I'm in Hampden, I'm struck by the similarity to Brooklyn. It's got a nice central location, and no housing projects; but other than that, it's mostly the same type of white trash. What made the hipsters decide it was the place to be?

    Of course there are drunk rednecks and other scumbags in Cumberland, but as Gor said, they aren't shooting each other. And people actually call the police and testify in court up there because they want the laws to be enforced.

    Also, in Allegany County, I won't be taxed to death (well, not as much) to pay for a useless city government that serves mostly as a jobs program for the dominant ethnic group.

  11. what do you mean there are no housing projects in brooklyn?

  12. also, hampden rarely has shootings. that's probably one of the main reasons it became a hip neighborhood. another reason i suspect is its proximity to other hip neighborhoods (cv, mount vernon). brooklyn doesn't have a central location, it's on the southern edge of the city. sure it's the same distance as hampden from the harbor, but it's far from everything else.

  13. burgersub, I meant that Hampden has a central location and no projects, not Brooklyn.

    Here's an example of the response to crime in Cumberland:

    CUMBERLAND - Police are seeking information in the Aug. 2 theft of two mountain bikes.

    The bikes were stolen from an unlocked garage in the 800 block of Windsor Road within city limits. Valued at more than $450, one bike is two-tone brown, while the other is a blue Giant Sedona.

    Anyone with information is asked to call Allegany/Mineral County Crime Solvers at (301) 722-4300. Callers do not have to appear in court and can remain anonymous, and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,500.

    Most Baltimore cops wouldn't even take a report in a case like that.
