Friday, August 3, 2007

August 3

Four Three murders in 24 hours:
  • An unidentified man was killed at 1:30 a.m. this morning in the 3600 block of E. Lombard St., in the Baltimore Highlands whoops, wait, he survived!
  • Donte Bracey, 20, was shot in the back shortly before 11 p.m. last night in the 500 block of E. 23rd St. in the East Baltimore Midway
  • A man was shot in the 3400 block of Carlisle Ave., in Northwest Baltimore, and is in "grave" condition (er, there's only one kind of condition that's appopos for the grave... but it sounds like he's still alive)
The other two murders must be the two unid'd men from yesterday: 7:45 a.m. in the 3700 block of Lyndale Ave. and an 18-year-old man 1:30 a.m. in the 2400 block of Marbourne Ave in Lakeland.

Indeed, the "more details" in the "written-off carjacking" are very depressing: not just details that make it clear an armed carjacking really happened and Grimes was the 'jacker, but stolen credit cards that could have helped lead police to Brandon Grimes had police believed the victim and recorded the crime properly.
Like the commentor said, "if somebody really wants to kill somebody else, there's nothing the police can do!"

In Clinton, PGC, Terris Terrell Luckett, 39, shot his wife and then drove to a barbershop to kill a football coach.

Pediatrics & Parenting
Trouble for Mitchell's mayoral campaign: his DAD and treasurer allegedly spent $40,000 of campaign money on personal expenses.

Jessamy vs. Kraft: who's the baby?
Kraft sent Jessamy letters asking her to get tougher on violent crime in his Southeast District, and released one of them to "the media", and Jessamy went ballistic:
"'Councilman Kraft, please grow up,' Jessamy wrote in a letter dated Tuesday. 'Stop being a petulant ‘do nothing’ politician and represent the interest of your constituents. I am willing to work with you, but will not under any circumstances tolerate your attacks.'”
We don't know exactly what Kraft's letter said, but can't help but to notice Jessamy seems to have a whole lot of trouble getting along with others (and is none too PR-savvy either. Had anyone heard of that letter before this?).

An AAC teenager was found "responsible" in juvenile court for the death of her newborn infant found in a trash can.


  1. Out of curiousity, has Jim Kraft done anything to get more money for the State's Attorney's office? Since he's on the city council he could, oh I dunno, try redirecting funds that currently go towards "public art" to hiring more prosecutors instead. I don't like Pat Jessamy, but she does have a tough job with very limited resources at her disposal.

  2. He's too busy doing his work as a defense lawyer... you'd figure he'd love the dismal state of baltimore crime since it gets him more business...

  3. Hmm, and this guy is my new city council member. I thought Mary Pat Clarke was bad, but it looks like Jim Kraft needs to be booted out as well. There are too many damned lawyers in our government, those friggin parasites are taking over the country.

  4. Here is Kraft's original letter:

    July 16, 2007

    The Honorable Patricia Jessamy
    Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office
    208 Mitchell Courthouse
    110 N. Calvert Street
    Baltimore, MD 21202

    Re: Violent crime in the First District

    Dear State’s Attorney Jessamy:

    So far in 2007 there have been six murders in the First Councilmanic District. This represents a very small percentage of the violent crime in Baltimore City, but it is vital to me and the communities I serve that we continue to send the message that even a single violent crime in our neighborhoods and in the city is unacceptable.

    For this reason I ask that every violent crime committed be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. When necessary, mandatory sentencing and enhanced penalty notices must be issued and I would like to be copied on all notices that are issued for violent crimes in the first district.

    Specifically I am asking that the following crimes, in addition to any future violent crime in the First District, receive such treatment.

    • Kennis Lambert for the April 29th murder of Azerwoine Walker
    • Maurice Crosby and Erica Ammenhauser for the June 10th murder of Michael Simms
    • Trayvon Ramos, Arthur Jeter, Eric Price, and Wilburt Martin, for the June 2nd attempted murder of Zach Sowers

    If you have any questions with regard hereto, then please contact me. Otherwise, I look forward to your timely written affirmation to this request.


    James B. Kraft

  5. The murder numbers aren't adding up again, even with the "*"s taken into account. Where's Burger?

  6. Cyb, I'm going to try to straighten out the murder numbers either this week or next week.

  7. Hmm, Kraft's letter seems more reasonable than I expected. Why did Jessamy throw such a hissy fit?

  8. Thanks chuck.
    pp that's quite a macabre image there.

  9. :(

    It made me chuckle. I guess I have an odd sense of humor.

  10. pp,

    Kraft and Jessamy despise each other. Jessamy thinks of Kraft as a blowhard, while Kraft (like the rest of us) thinks Jessamy is utterly incompetent.

  11. It sounds like Kraft and Jessamy may both be right.

  12. I've lived in Kraft's district for several years, and other than the nice birthday cards he sends out to his constituents every year, this is the first time I've seen or heard about any action from him.

    Now, that could be a good thing. Maybe Mr. Kraft is the rare politician who prefers to work behind the scenes instead of in front of the cameras.

    Or maybe he's up for re-election, and he's putting his name out there so he can get re-elected and go back to not doing a damned thing.

  13. Chuck,

    I don't think Kraft has anything to worry about during this election cycle. His main opponent is a gadfly who is universally disliked in his own neighborhood (Patterson Park)- so much so that his next door neighbors spited him by placing Jim Kraft signs on their front railings.

  14. Wow, and now it's time to admit my embarrassing brain fart. Kraft's district is a few blocks over; my rep is D'Adamo. Apparently, when I work too hard and sleep too little, I forget who my city councilman is.

    Which means that, in all the time I've lived in D'Adamo's district, I haven't seen him do anything useful. I'm sure he's done something, I just don't know what it is. At least Kraft got the Chinese restaurants to stop leaving flyers on our stoops.

    I think now I'll shut my mouth and go look at all those pretty Kraf... er... D'Adamo re-election posters hanging on the fence of the local auto body shop.

  15. #196 has not been confirmed as dead yet. "grave condition" means "they will almost definitely die but they are not quite dead yet."

    #192 is Jordan Brown, 21, and he was shot on 7/30, not 7/31, and died on 7/31, not 8/1, and was shot in the 4600 block of rokeby road, not on winans way. winans way is where the mayor lives and where his friend drove him to.

    #191 was shot in the 2400 block of westwood ave. the exeter hall address is where he lived.

    #189 is Kenneth Mitchell, 44.

    #187 happened in the 900 block of w lombard st, not the 600 block, and it happened on 7/27, not 7/28.

    #185 is Christopher Robotham, 37.

    #184 was definitely on belair rd, not harford rd, although i think i have seen it reported as both 3000 and 3100 blocks.

    #175 was 37 years old.

    #170 occurred in the 3000 block of rosekemp ave.

    #157 is George Williams, 52, he died on 7/16/06 and his death was ruled a homicide on 6/20/07.

    #144 was on 6/13, not 6/14.

    #133 was in the 1900 block of w lanvale st, not the 900 block.

    #125 has an asterisk next to it, but this one is actually officially considered a murder.

    #124 occurred in the 5800 block of waycross rd. the dudley ave address is where he lived. he was 19.

    #115 has an asterisk next to it, but it is officially considered a murder.

    #114 occurred on 5/17.

    #111 occurred in the 2500 block of garrett ave. there is no 500 block.

    #110 was 29 years old.

    #108 was 22 years old.

    #106 was 20 years old.

    #101 should be north spring court, not south (i think...this is the only thing that would make sense geographically since conflicting reports say fayette street).

    #95 occurred on 5/2, not 4/2.

    #94 should have an asterisk next to it, it's not officially a murder.

    #90 was 22 years old.

    #82 actually died in November last year. his death was only ruled a homicide on 4/20/07.

    #76 occurred on 4/9.

    dates are sporadic for anything before #74. i don't know if you care about this or not.

    #67 was 39 years old.

    #65 happened in the 2600 block of rayner ave. there is no 1500 block.

    #62 happened in the 2900 block of EAST madison STREET, not on madison AVENUE. (completely different side of town)

    #45 was 21 years old.

    #41 "branch water court" is an address, not the name of a project and it's not really near fells point.

    before #38, ages are sporadic.

    #35 see notes for #41.

    #12 is ravenwood ave.

    you are completely missing the june 1st fatal shooting of Charles Payne, 31, in the 2100 block of sherwood ave.

  16. I live in Kraft's district and he's usually out there representing the areas interests. Jessamy needs to go, her repeated adolescent rantings are getting old. Anyone who has served jury duty can see her dysfunctional office is responsible for much of the repeat offending sociopaths returning to the streets of our fair city.

  17. Cyb, I'll make the updates within one week. Burger, you rock.

  18. Thank you Burger!
    Right, 196 not dead, I knew that but put him anyway.
    I am just not "detail oriented."

  19. Heh, I wonder how #196 would feel if he knew that.
