Thursday, August 2, 2007

August 2

Update, if you're following the OC fetus-mom story:
Prosecutors have dropped the murder charges in the case of the 26-week-old fetus found in Christy Freeman's house, but have now charged her with murder of an "infant" "born" in 2003.

Is Nicole Richie still in town? A "vehicle going the wrong way in the 1400 block of Montford Avenue crashed into a police car."
Crazy picture!

Media news:
Dolan Media, owner of the Daily Record and other "niche" business and law papers, has gone public ... and amazingly the public is buying it!


  1. If you were upset before about nonreporting officers' enabling Bloodymore's violent criminals, this followup by Jayne Miller won't make you feel much better.

    Cop-killer Brandon Grimes was even more a very, very bad boy.

    You go, Jayne.

  2. The cop who refused to report that carjacking needs to be fired, and Brandon Grimes needs to be dragged out of the city jail, castrated, and hung from a lamppost. Not only did that animal kill a cop, it's clear that he was one of this city's worst thugs even before detective Chesley was murdered. He is a poster child for why we have a death penalty, and it is sickening that Pat Jessamy refuses to attempt to seek it. Yeah, I know it would be tough to win a death sentence, but when you have cop-killing sociopaths like Grimes you owe it to the city's police officers to try. Even if you can't put him on death row you can say you fought the good fight, and you let the police department know that the state's attorney's office is behind them.

  3. Regarding the patently idiotic statement that "Baltimore is a safe city", you will find on Youtube her statement that she was hitting the ground running and that being the Mayor is very little change from the previous 20 years in government, as she is "just wearing a new hat."

    Miind you, as to the absurd crime here, she has more recently claimed that she's only in the saddle for seven months and that many of the rotten things going on started on someone else's (the current governor's) watch, so she shouldn't be responsible.

    You're not, dearie. Not responsible at all. Nor truthful. Nor capable of serving as Mayor.

  4. The City claims crime in Charles Village is down, but residents say otherwise. In Northern's blotter this week, a robbery on Abell and stabbing on Greenmount, among others.

    Doesn't sound good, but Dixon says you should be happy to live there.

    Sounds like more underreporting by officers.

  5. Keiffer Mitchell's campaign took a hit.


    "Dr. Keiffer J. Mitchell, father of Baltimore mayoral candidate Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr., spent more than $40,000 of his son's campaign funds for personal expenses over several months and resigned yesterday as his campaign treasurer after the errant spending was discovered, according to a statement from the campaign released to The Sun."


  6. Ugh, obnoxious pro-lifers are coming to Maryland.

    "FREDERICK - Diners at Ruby Tuesday were greeted this week by a grisly sight: the enormous image of the mangled half-formed skull of an aborted fetus. Blown up large, bigger than an adult, the graphic "photo" was one of more than a dozen signs held up on the sidewalk along U.S. 40."

    *Sigh, so many people for me to hate, so little time.

  7. I'm not a pro-lifer, but I wonder why you "hate" someone for just holding up a factual picture?

    There are many other people who desire hate, like Grimes, that I can't hate someone who simply shows a truthful picture of a common practice just because I disagree with their view.

  8. The "pro-life" movement has nothing to do with life. It's all about ramming the religious views of some down other people's throats and moving this country one step closer to being a theocracy. If that's what I wanted I'd move to Iran.

    In other news, the Sun says we're up to murder victim 190 , assuming you use the official total. Another shooting victim is in critical condition at Sinai, so we may soon be up to 191.

  9. The 3600 block of E Lombard is located at the intersection of Lombard and Conkling- which has one of those police cameras with the flashing blue light. I guess this murder just confirms that nobody in the police department monitors those cameras.

  10. So, you must really hate radical muslims (not that really blame you).
