Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 30

Police killed a combative road rager in the Northwestern.

HoCo's #5, Wasel Ali, was missing for five days before his (allegedly) beaten body was found in the woods in Columbia. Ali had just admitted to stealing from his employer, and was recently discharged from the Army Reserve for impersonating an MP.

AAC police are investigating a Pasadena well in a homicide case from 30 years ago.

This has signs of Irvin Harris written all over it.

A bunch of guys attacked another bunch of guys, leading to assault charges in Glen Burnie.

To prove her decision isn't filled with political posturing, Sheila D. might appoint a new Police Commissioner before the primary on September 11. In unrelated news, pigs might fly out of my ass later on today.

The BPD case for Ramona Bradley was closed when 46-year-old Sandra Milton was arrested and charged with Bradley's death. In the same article, two people were arrested for the murder of Tyrone Willie Bonner.

Not guilty due to a plane ticket to Oregon.


  1. "First thing that happens when we go to deliberate," says Jacobson, "is Juror No. 1 says, 'I'm not putting no black man behind bars for five years.' Another black woman says, 'The guy is guilty as hell and I'm never gonna change my mind, and you can talk to me till you're blue in the face.' I say, 'Maybe we should take a vote.'


    "Then the other white male on the jury, he says, 'I gotta tell ya, tomorrow I have tickets to fly to Oregon to visit a friend.'

    "The woman who was voting the guy guilty - you know, the one who said, 'He's guilty as hell' - she says, 'Really? You have plane tickets? I'll change my vote to not guilty.'

    ... When I move out of maryland for good and mail my letter of departure to Future mayor Dixon, someone remind me to mail this to her.

  2. More on Sandra Jane Milton from the Cumberland Times-News:

    City woman faces murder charge after fatal assault in Baltimore

    Jeffrey Alderton
    Cumberland Times-News

    CUMBERLAND - For the second time in less than a week, a Cumberland woman has been charged with first-degree murder in connection with a homicide in the city of Baltimore.

    In the latest arrest, Sandra Jane Milton, 56, was charged with first-degree murder and assault charges when she was served with an arrest warrant in Cumberland last Monday relating to the Aug. 13 beating of a 40-year-old woman in the Armistead Gardens area of Baltimore. The victim succumbed to her injuries four days later.

    Following the arrest by the Regional Warrant Apprehension Task Force in Cumberland, the Bowling Street woman was jailed without bond at the Central Booking and Intake Center in Baltimore.

    The warrant for Milton's arrest was issued last Saturday following investigation into the beating death of Ramona Bradley. An autopsy by the Maryland State Medical Examiner's Office revealed the victim's death was the result of homicide by blunt force trauma to the head, according to district court documents.

    The deadly incident occurred in the 100 block of Harper Way at about 11 p.m. on Aug. 13. The victim later died at the Bayview Medical Center.

    According to court documents, Bradley, Milton and another female identified as Sandra Fleischer argued "over money" while on the corner of Harper and Armistead Way.

    The victim and an unidentified friend then walked on Harper Way from Armistead Way when Milton and Fleischer approached them from behind.

    "The defendant pushed Ramona Bradley from behind causing her to fall and hit her head on the curb," according to the court record.

    Police said the investigation identified witnesses and determined that the defendants pushed the victim to the ground causing her to strike her head on the curb. She ultimately died from being pushed to the ground, according to court documents.

    Last week, Baltimore City Police and Cumberland Police arrested Candice A. Page, 28, on Paca Street, charging her with first-degree murder in connection with the March 17 shooting death of 30-year-old Edwin Matthews of East Baltimore.

    Page remained jailed Wednesday without bond at the Baltimore City Detention Center.

    She is scheduled to appear in a preliminary hearing next month in Baltimore City District Court.

  3. Putting the right to a jury trial in the Bill of Rights may have been a mistake.

  4. The problem isn't a qualified jury; it's a jury of your peers.

    And the revolving door in the Northern just keeps on a-turnin'.

    Christ, I hate this city. It just slowly, gradually drains every last drop of life from your body.

  5. Not surprised. Called for jury duty in the County and all everyone wanted to do was "get out of here". I suspect not the mind set the bill or rights authors had for our citizens.

  6. oh, BTW, here's a more jurisdiction-specific paper on the effect of MD sentence enhancements.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Here's a follow-up article on the Charles Village assault a few weeks ago. Very sad.

  9. Oh, and on the question "Do more cops reduce crime?", the answer is 'Yes' again, according to an IV estimation by the same author.

  10. The column about the Charles Village attack as stupid. The problem isn't a lack of "alternatives" for kids, it's the fact that our judicial system generally fails to punish criminals. What we need are hard, unforgiving sentences for even first-time offenders. The sorts of violent crimes which currently earn little more than a year or two in jail should result in decades of prison time, with absolutely no hope of parole or early release. Wishy-washy, feel-good BS about "providing alternatives" or "coming together as a community" may sound nice, but they won't accomplish anything. What we really need is to prevent large portions of the population from reproducing, but unfortunately advocating forced sterilization for the scum of the Earth isn't a good way for a politican to get elected.

  11. haha yes we can now add eugenics to the list of things mr. "everything would be solved by capital punishment and concealed carry permits" supports!

  12. I agree with patin's sentiment, if not his solution.

    Ms. Rodriguez needs to feel more indignation and less sympathy.

    Violent punks are pretty set in their ways past the age of around 14. The solution is not to counsel them, nor to provide for their constant entertainment.

    They're not my children, and the resources of the 'village' are there for public services, not private parenting.

    It also takes a village to lock offenders up, and I expect that public service to be adequately supplied.

  13. Eugenics implies that I'm trying to create some sort of genetically superior super-race, which isn't the case at all. Genetics isn't the problem, it's culture & values. Children who are born to welfare dependent baby-mommas are almost certainly going to turn into failures. When worthless people reproduce their offspring will generally end up being worthless as well. It's not a nice or pretty thing to say, but it's true. I know we're supposed to pretend that children are our bright and glorious future, but when a child's mother is a drug-addicted crackwhore and his "father" is doing 30 to life in Jessup that kid is practically guaranteed to fail.

    Besides, is it really that unreasonable to believe that someone who has never once actually gotten up to go to a job in the morning should not be allowed to have children?

  14. Oh, you completely forgot caning. I believe it's a necessary complement to capital punishment, CC permits and eugenics. Zen I vill have ze perfect society, buahahahaha!
