Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Crime Alert: Mt. Vernon

On August 23 at approximately 12:52 a.m. there was an assault and robbery committed at Charles Street and Peabody Mews; a suspect grabbed a young woman and forced her into the alley and then into the car park behind 3 West Mt. Vernon. The suspect assaulted the victim by beating her and then stole her purse. He ran west through Peabody Mews to Cathedral Street. The Walters Art Museum was able to provide video to the Police from external CCTV cameras, above.


  1. Holy crap!!

    At 0:07, as the girl is walking out of the alley, a BCPD car drives by...

  2. I bet she wishes she could get a concealed carry permit now.

  3. That's stupid. Look at the video! Assuming he jumped her from behind by surprise, where in this sequence would she get out her concealed weapon and use it? If anything she'd do much better stomping his foot, elbowing his guts, etc.
    A 125-pound woman in high heels can exert 2,000 pounds of force, enough to impale a foot through leather. Here you'd want to stomp, then jab with the elbow, then twist and duck and get the hell outta there. Much safer and faster than fumbling for some gun and shooting your own foot off.
    A gun won't compensate for everything, pp.

  4. ps. there are three more videos of the suspect, if you go to YouTube and click on "more from this user"

  5. Whoa, go easy on me, I was semi-kidding.

  6. Police shot and killed an idiot early this morning on Liberty Heights Ave.

  7. Anna Sowers appears to be supporting Keiffer Mitchell. I'm a little disappointed.

  8. Ppatin, did you see any of the wbal mayoral debate? I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.

  9. No, unfortunately I missed it.

  10. Well, if you have a spare hour to burn, check it out:

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4

    I think you may be pretty disgusted after seeing it though - I know I was...

  11. additionally, for those interested in other mt. vernon crime issues, my downstairs neighbor was attacked on maryland ave. near biddle st. on monday night.

    she was walking with her friend and a guy ran up to them and started beating her up. her friend was able to deflect some of it, but she ended up being carried out of our building on a stretcher and looked really bad.

    just fyi...

  12. one of my (female) friends recently had to move out of her building in mount vernon because one of the other tenants in her building assaulted her on the front porch. she described the assault as a "chokeslam" into the wall behind her.

    she was also the victim of some guy she'd never seen before randomly running up to her and hitting her a couple of months ago.

  13. oh, and one of my old roommates got carjacked this weekend. of course, he lives in windsor hills now and he was somewhere between there and remington (near the lake i guess? or on gwynns falls? i'm not sure) so it's not nearly as "shocking" as it would be had it happened in mount vernon or wherever.

    he posted a long myspace blog about it, it was interesting how he felt that the cops had his car for "processing" (it was found four blocks from where it was taken) much longer and caused him much more inconvenience than the carjacker did.

  14. All of which contributes to the considerable inclination to not report crime in Baltimore. So, as bad as the crime stats are, the reality is far, far worse.

  15. "Anna Sowers appears to be supporting Keiffer Mitchell. I'm a little disappointed."

    "Supporting" may be a stretch, but in either case perhaps your candidate of choice should have made more of an effort to get in touch with Anna and find out what she has to say about being a victim of violent crime. Even with the bar set pretty low, it's more then most of the candidates are willing to do.

  16. I don't really have a candidate of choice. I'll just end up voting for whoever I dislike the least, then voting Republican in the general election in protest.
