Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Fun Quiz!

By the Sun's John Fritze: "Here are the mayoral candidates' verbatim answers (trimmed only when their words were not clear; offered in the order that they spoke) to the following question: 'Baltimore has one of the highest murder rates in the country. ... What are your plans to ensure that citizens enjoy a safer Baltimore?'"

Match the candiate to the quotes:
a. "We don't compromise when it comes to our religion, we don't compromise when it comes to our Lord and our God -- we cannot compromise when it comes to leadership."

b. "I've called for a federal program to treat drugs as a public health issue. Addict goes to a clinic, gets what they're addicted to. All the money we've saved on the cops and the courts and the prisons and the low morale in the police because all of this can be used for treatment on demand and a federal jobs program. It would probably cost us far less than what we're spending now."

c. "A wise old owl sat on an oak. The more he heard the less he spoke. The less he spoke the more he heard. I'll try to be like that wise old bird."

d. "This afternoon I had the opportunity to visit one of the officers at shock trauma who was shot last night. I looked in the faces of her parents and I went to visit her. We need more police officers on our streets. We are short."

Further reading: the Sun's Baltimore election blog.


  1. The best part of Conaway's answer is the next paragraph:

    Someone was talking about gangs in Baltimore City. I sit on the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and probably the most outspoken person on that council.

    So much for the wise old owl.

  2. I like the quiz format, because the only proper answer was B and that person just got my vote
