Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Murder Ink details homicides from July 23 to 27, and fills in Conrad Strange, 25, killed July 15 on North Gay Street.

In this week's CP, in a "classic" from 1984, John Waters interviews "kinky Gary Gilmore" Arthur Frederick Goode III, "one Maryland native we'd all rather forget."

Fredneck gun-weilding teenager Tia Janae Moore was found guilty of masterminding a 90-minute robbery spree that struck a Wendy's, a Dunkin Donuts and a Domino's deliveryperson. Said Assistant State's Attorney Teresa R. Bean, "Apparently they needed money for shoes."

A good question: "If you have a miscarriage at home, what are you supposed to do with the fetus?"
Not being legally human yet it can't make human remains, so that would fall under "medical waste" and the MDE, right?
Well, the MDE says:
Household waste is exempted from being regulated as hazardous waste. Nevertheless, it should not be disposed of indiscriminately. If you no longer have use for a hazardous product, try to find someone who can use it [an embryologist at Hopkins, perhaps?]. Failing that, contact your county governemt (sic) to determine if they have a household hazardous waste collection day scheduled."


  1. Wow, that interview was one of the creepiest things I've read in a long time.

  2. Murder in Pigtown:,0,1159234.story

  3. Ditto on the creepy factor and here I thought John Water just made cheap crappy films (mostly). I didn't know that he even had limits on weirdness, I was pleasantly surprised he even found something outrages.

    Also, there are dead links on the Moore and fetus articles.

  4. thanks gor, I fixed them.
    fartsy=best 'handle' ever

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sheila Dixon has announced that police nonreporting of crime is unacceptable in her administration and that she's very aware of it occuring.

    OK, so all the officers who have done that to me are going to be fired ??

    Or are we just saying that this established practice is 'not accepted' but will persist?

    Show me, don't tell me, Madame Mayor. Prosecute them for obstructing justice.

    And then hire the many hundreds of patrol officers needed to respond to all the incidents rationally unreported by victims because the police have refused to file them.

    Gee, maybe if Mdme. Mayor is sincere, she too should request that the FBI investigate the falsification of crime data in Baltimore. Sounds like what a good mayor would do.
