Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Crime Alert! Fake BGE Men

"Fartsy" wrote:
"I live in Pigtown and we have a guy who's going around robbing houses in broad daylight. He's described as a black male, and VERY 6'5" or so, and he wears a construction vest and gloves."

I called the SW district to confirm, and the very nice officer who picked up the phone said that what police have seen a lot of lately, in the SW and city-wide, is an uptick in reports of the scam of men posing as workers from BGE, sometimes complete with a very-real looking uniform and badge. Sometimes they scam people by saying that they owe money on their bills and the power's going to be shut off that minute if they don't pay, other times they just flat-out shove their way in and rob the house after someone opens the door.
Of course, he says, BGE doesn't collect cash door-to-door, and they don't show up unannounced, so if you see an unexpected "BGE man" or other utility-person type knocking on your door, don't open the door, and call the police!

UPDATE: Says Fartsy, "No, it's not one of the phony BGE men! This guy just kicks in doors and windows -- he doesn't bother with knocking and pretending to be a phony BGE man. One of our neighbors was stabbed multiple times and has a collapsed lung (or had, I haven't gotten an update lately on the guy's condition). The phony BGE guy is a different crook."

Jezum crow!


  1. did the SW district also tell you that pigtown is in southern? :P

  2. WOLB's debate with mayoral candidates includes andre bundley objecting to the portrayal of street life in the Wire.

    Why does it have to represent Baltimore? Because The Wire is written about Baltimore, that's why.

    You could do a show with double-decker busses in Trafalgar Square, but that's not Baltimore.

    If it's not flattering, then change the reality, not the impression.

    Or, try to sell the network on a show featuring some mousy dot-com yuppie sipping over-priced lattes in Canton paying way too much for a meager house. They want The Wire just as it is.

  3. This case of witness intimidation/retaliation took place a couple of blocks from me.

    Thank you, Judge Themelis.

  4. Thanks burg, groan. I did my best googling but it still wasn't enough... sob! Well, watch out for fake utility people wherever you are!

  5. "Why does it have to represent Baltimore? Because The Wire is written about Baltimore, that's why.

    You could do a show with double-decker busses in Trafalgar Square, but that's not Baltimore."

    You could have "Desperate Housewives: Baltimore" set in Roland Park.

  6. I object to this portrayal of street life in the ad form the last race, 'Andre Bundley gets arrested for putting fliers under windows.'

  7. No, it's not one of the phony BGE men! This guy just kicks in doors and windows -- he doesn't bother with knocking and pretending to be a phony BGE man. Boy does that just TICK me off -- the police KNOW about this guy and they KNOW he's not just a guy posing as a BGE man. One of our neighbors was stabbed multiple times and has a collapsed lung (or had, I haven't gotten an update lately on the guy's condition). The phony BGE guy is a different crook. Jeez, isn't it sad when the police can't keep the crooks straight.

  8. well, it is my fault for calling the wrong district! I'll post the clarification though. Scary stuff!

  9. That's because Andre Bundley *is* Clarence Royce.

  10. wow, I just randomly came upon this post when I was looking for Baltimore Crime statistics on google. I'm living in Baltimore city because I am in med school. 2 of my fellow classmates have been assaulted after walking home from a day of saving the lives of drug addicts and murderers. the more I see of baltimore, the less I want to help these ingrates. At least they're getting smarter - posing as BGE men, maybe they can use those brains to get a real job.
