Wednesday, September 5, 2007

This Just In: WBAL Reportage Lazy, Hype-Driven

OMG, what little lying weasels!
Looking for the clip of the Walters' CCTV tape of a mugging I posted a while back, I found this instead from WBAL. Assuming that they found the clip randomly and don't read this site, my YouTube "handle" and a link to send me a message is right there on every clip! Hardly a BIG MYSTERY!
I guess a mugging is too dull, they felt the need to fabricate a hook out of thin air!

How does Jayne Miller stand to hang out with those assclowns?

ps. a Great essay/rant by George Saunders, "The Braindead Megaphone," in this month's GQ, opining the myriad ways in which progressively "dumber" TV news spreads the "disease" of "stupidity, aggression and anxiety."


  1. and so, wbal proceeds to basically post it on youtube

    too bad they dont have comments enabled

  2. I'd expect this from WJZ, but from WBAL? I mean, they have really, really high standards and integrity.

    (cue laugh track and cut to commercial)

  3. You should e-mail them. And be like "Man, you guys are 'teh doomb.'"
