Saturday, September 1, 2007

September 1

The decomposed body of Patrick Carroll Pearce III was found on Thursday night, four days after he was reported missing by his girlfriend. His body was buried beneath garbage in the 600 block of Todds Lane in Rosedale, and he'd been shot in the chest.

In other Rosedale murder news, the manager of the El-Rich motel on Rt. 40 in Rosedale found a body behind the motel. He was tending his garden yesterday evening when he found the body of what might -- or might not -- be a woman in the woods in the 1100 block of Batavia Farm Rd., about a mile from where Pearce's body was found. The death is being ruled suspicious. Police haven't linked the two bodies.

Our favorite news station offers the following about the two Rosedale murders:
1) A headline that informs us that a murdered man was found dead
2) The wonderful new word, "whuke"
3) An alternate spelling to the victim's name
4) The possibility that Pea(ie)rce was shot in the head rather than the chest

In Wicomico County, Muhammad Na'im Akram apparently had a change of heart and drove his wife to the hospital after taking her to a sand pit, binding her with duct tape, and beating her unconscious with a hammer.

Stephen Janis gives some history behind the quadruple shooting in West Baltimore on Thursday night. A longtime resident of the neighborhood said, "Something happens there every month. I lived here for 30 years. I don't want to leave, but it may be time."

A dumbfuck 16-year-old was arrested after he and two of his dumbfuck friends detonated a soda bottle bomb in a Quiznos in Severna Park.

Lots of car crime in the Blotter.


  1. Murdered Man Found Dead; that headline's a keeper...

  2. Reading the coverage of the murders in Baltimore County, I was struck by the fact that while county murders have been on the increase, they seem to be limited to certain areas adjoining the city.

    In particular, examining Burgersub's county homicide map, it's pretty clear that while the extremities of the county remain fairly safe, most all the murders are going on within about a six mile radius of the center of trapezoidal Baltimore City, which is to say, within the circular boundary of 695, more or less.

    Conjecture: it's not a change in the behavior of the traditional population of the county; it's just city people migrating out in a traditional radial pattern (which happens to exceed the city's rather angular jurisdictional boundaries).

    Hypothesis: the perpetrators of many of the growing violent crime in the county are not long out of the city.

    Anyone care to assemble a list of apprehendees to test it ?

    I thought of this while considering our friend the RolandPark rapist who lived near the boundary yet had substantive criminal charges null-prossed in both jurisdictions.

    Six districts in the county (adjoining Baltimore City) account for about as many agg. assaults as the other twenty-five combined. I didn't want to consider homicides because the sample size is so low.

  3. Looking at police precints (of which there are fewer) instead, it seems that most of the violence is in Dundalk, Woodlawn, Arbutus, Rosedale, and Essex, which alone is noncontiguous to the City.

  4. that's also where most of the population of the county is concentrated. more people = more crime. it's kind of hard to rob people on the street up in hereford where the streets don't have sidewalks and there's like one farmhouse every mile or more.

  5. I suspect that Dundalk has plenty of local crime. You could wipe the city off the face of the Earth and that would still be a lousy area.

  6. eh, like any place, parts of dundalk are nice and parts aren't. i gotta say though that merritt blvd is probably one of the ugliest roads i've ever had the displeasure of driving down.
