Saturday, September 1, 2007

Tevon AllenYesterday, the Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Tevon Allen, 18, at left, of the 1200 block of Seminole Avenue for first-degree murder, first-degree attempted murder and other charges. Court documents allege Tevon Allen is responsible for a shooting incident on July 30, 2007 in the 600 block of Winans Way. Jordan Taylor Brown, 21 was found suffering from a gunshot wound there, and is alleged Brown was riding in the front passenger seat of the vehicle, which was stopped at the intersection of Swan Avenue and Rokeby Road, Allen discharged the weapon as the vehicle turned eastbound on Rokeby Road striking Brown. Brown succumbed to his injuries the next day at Sinai Hospital. An arraignment is scheduled for September 24.


  1. Looking at how miserable that kid's face is... I saw some "news magazine" show a long time ago about a woman who started a nonprofit that gave cash to drug addicts to get sterilized. It certainly smacks of nazi eugenics etc, but when you think about how these kids are born, fucked in the head to begin with from being an addict as a fetus, then into a life that is more miserable than people with normal parents can begin to imagine, and you realize that you could stop that future suffering so easily, how could an ethical person not try? Or is it 'cultural imperialism' to even consider such ideas?

  2. Actually I think it's worse to assume that these people don't have the right to make their own decisions. No one is forcing them to take the cash, they're adults who're making the choice of their own free will. If they end up regretting it, well that's their issue, living in a free society means being allowed to make bad decisions.

    Besides, Nazi eugenics was based on BS pseudoscience (blonde-haired, blue eyed people are better, Jews & gypsies suck, etc) whereas the idea that kids of drug addicts do terribly in life is an easily provable fact.

  3. Yeah I guess the 'forced' part is a big diff. And being a drug addict is not (completely) a genetic trait.
    I wish i could remember the name of that group.

  4. oh he's 18? i think the sun said he was 22.

  5. ppatin, before you go limiting sterilization programs of "undesirables" to just the Nazi eugenics programs go look up the history of Planned Parenthood (founded by Margaret Sanger in the early 20th century). Planned Parenthood had had it's own version of eugenics of forced sterilization on those she and her supporters deemed "genetically unfit" and was successfully implemented in many places in the south with the help of state governments.

  6. Wikipedia is great, there's all kinds of stuff on there under "Eugenics." The entry for Buck vs. Bell is pretty interesting. I see I'm guilty of Reductio ad Hitlerum.

  7. Dixon from the WBALtv debate:

    'Most of,... 80% of the murders in this city are from guns.'

    And what, 20% are from trigger-fingers ????

    Gee, I thought that 80%,... no,.. 100% of the murders in this city are from killers.

    'Community engagement, neighborhood partnerships, making families whole, holistic approach, ...' blah, blah, blah,... Dixon just keeps on mouthing these empty words. And incoherently at that.

    Given the polls, I suspect we're gonna get 4 more years of empty words as the city continues to worsen. How bad can it get? Senior rapes in Roland Park and stabbings in Charles Village. Drugdealer terrorism in Waverly.

    Oh,... guess we're closer than anyone knew. Anyone who can move, probably should move. This government is toxic.

  8. reatteneI went to school with this boy.he was always troubled..I knew he would spend a great portion of his life in jail but never expected him to go that far.
