Wednesday, September 5, 2007

September 5

238 words about five victims: Davon Qualls, 17, was shot to death last night in the 2500 block of Garrett Ave. in Northeast Baltimore; two people who were found yesterday in a dwelling in the 6100 block of MacBeth Drive near Chinquapin Parkway in North Baltimore and their deaths are "suspicious," and a woman and a boy were shot in East Baltimore.
WJZ reports that the MacBeth Drive incident was in the 6000 block, and the victims were a grandmother and her neice.
"It seems the women had gun shout wounds to their body's."
UPDATE: "a Sun reporter" says the victims were named as Pauline Borum, 60, and her granddaughter, Jasmine Borum, 17.

We knew that the Tuxedo Park home-invader, Chaz Ricks, had a long-as-your-arm record, but that's just the tip of the incredibly fucked-up iceberg: Bykowicz reports that he also stomped his mother's face, terrorized his neighbor, stabbed his cousin in the eye and shot a nine-year-old.

The Northern District will get its third police chief in as many years; the well-liked Major Michael Pristoop is retiring from the city police department to take a job with the state.

The Murder Ink details intentional homicides from August 27-31.

Who knew? WYPR has a whole "Crime & Violence" department, where one can have various perspectives on the bad news delivered via rich and lilting oratory.


  1. i like how the two people found dead in the northern are considered "suspicious deaths" yet they both have "obvious signs of trauma."

    i also like how the guy shot on belvedere ave was "wounded" and his condition is "not available," but that he also "was shot several times in the head, neck and chest and died at Johns Hopkins Hospital."

    lastly, i like how two of the home addresses given for the three victims identified in today's blotter don't actually exist.

  2. "i also like how the guy shot on belvedere ave was "wounded" and his condition is "not available," but that he also "was shot several times in the head, neck and chest and died at Johns Hopkins Hospital."

    Heh, not to mention the fact that one paragraph says he was taken to Shock Trauma, and then the next one says he died at Hopkins. The Sun needs some new editors.

  3. i suspect the "died at hopkins" sentence is actually about the garrett ave shooting and that they just stuck in the belvedere one as an afterthought, but fucked up and put it in the middle of a different story.

  4. From this week's Citypaper article about the mayoral race:

    "In 1999, the last time there was no entrenched incumbent running for mayor in Baltimore, 27 contestants lined up at the starting line. Most of them were dreamers at best, and a half-dozen or so had enough experience as criminal defendants that national news outlets took mirthful notice. One candidate was arrested on an open warrant after a televised campaign appearance."

    "It is a mark of Baltimore's progress that none of those running for mayor this year faces open arrest warrants or pending criminal charges."

    I want to cry.

  5. wjz is wrong, there is no 6000 block.

  6. This is more akin to unitentional manslaughter than crime, but the name of the location is precious.

  7. I know this is old news, but I saw that the Sun endorsed Sheila Dixon for mayor this past Sunday. No wonder nobody takes that paper seriously anymore.
