Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Update: the Notre Dame attempted-abduction story was a total lie, and the crazy bitch who phoned it in now faces gun charges. Says the head of security, "We found a student concocted the story to more or less create a cover story for some behavior that she was involved in earlier in that week involving the same gentleman."

SHOCKING! Says Philadelphia police Capt. Ben Naish of a new stat showing that 91 percent of Baltimore murder victims have criminal records, up from 74 percent 10 years ago.

Police say there's new information in the case of Karen Kamsch, who went missing in the 'Deaner in 1976.


  1. There were at least three seperate shooting incidents overnight that left one man dead and three people injured. There were also two "suspicious deaths" yesterday.

  2. We need O'Brien. At least he knows that most murder vicitms have a record! Everyone else in the article is "shocked"

    "Anecdotally, the detectives on the street knew" victims with prior police contact were being killed, "but we wanted people to start to look at this" in the community, O'Brien says."

    If truly innocent people defend themselves, Pat will be there to through the book at them. However, if the truly not so innocent kill someone she will opt for light sentences to get'em back onto the street --maybe around Roland Park.

    The slaying of truly innocent victims is so unusual in Baltimore that the chief prosecutor says the city has become dangerously numb to the carnage.... State Attorney Patricia Jessamy says.

  3. "The slaying of truly innocent victims is so unusual in Baltimore"

    Tell that to Zach Sowers. Yeah, I know that technically he's not dead, but with the kind of brain damage he took the person he was is almost certainly gone forever.
