Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday, 20 September

We're now at #232 -- an-as-yet unidentified man beaten to death on his 40th birthday. His friend, also attacked, is expected to survive.

A seventy year old man (shot in the back by some coward) remains in critical condition. (Note: since when does BCPD have 'agents'?)

A shooting, a robbery, and a synagogue.

WARNING! DICK CHENEY IS ON THE LOOSE IN BALTIMORE! WARNING! Ok, ok, I couldn't resist. Actually, a mass-shooting (five people!) by someone with a shotgun loaded with birdshot (no fatalities). Certainly, Mr. Cheney's M.O.

His DNA "wouldn't let him" get away any longer, and twenty-eight years later, Thomas J. Grant's fate is in the hands of the jury on the question of his guilt regarding the death of Sheila Bazemore Rascoe.

That Liberian child rapist in MoCo is set to be deported.

Mayor Sheila Dixon was in New York City yesterday -- no doubt feeling very safe, since, after all, it's a much safer city than Balmer -- talking to her counterpart there about firearms and joining NY's gun-lawsuit.

More crime at the University of Maryland College Park, this time, a "brazen carjacking" at Easton Hall.

Last -- certainly not least! True irony has to be a john posting on a website dedicated to swapping stories and info of streetwalkers 'I say to the citizens of Baltimore City Lk 23:34 "forgive them, they know not what they do"' regarding the morality of Baltimore City. Um. Look in a mirror much? If I were a vice-cop, I'd be trolling through (Warning: Unsafe for Home OR Work!) this website to hunt johns coming into the city for a little action. It's a quality of life issue and, I suppose, a minor one compared to the murder rate, but if there's one thing certain, it's that Baltimore could use some improvement in its "quality of life." C'mon johns, really: Lefty Lisa and Righty Rosie are safer and cheaper than streetwalkers. Plus, LL & RR come with those great gifts of "no need for a get out of jail" *or!* "How do I explain to my wife how she got six STDs?" cards. (Website found courtesy of the greater Baltimore blogosphere.)


Three people -- two Frederickians and a Gaithersburgan -- stewing in jail for the 2005 murder of David Lee (also of Frederick), who "was shot to death in July 2005 to keep him silent." Keep him silent? Silent about what? Damn uninformative article! More info at the Frederick News-Post.


  1. Dude, what the hell are you doing on a John sex forum webpage?

  2. yeah snay, however did you come across that one?

  3. I came across it thanks to the greater Baltimore blogosphere.

  4. When driving through Waverly, you possibly shouldn't park and get out, for fear of being 'jacked'.

    But it seems you also shouldn't obey traffic signs, either.

    Just hightail it outta there. Sheesh!

  5. I like how Luvyoungskanks reports: "Took care of the boys down under but wasn't a fan of 'tossing salad.'"
    Speaking of people who are allowed to get married and shouldn't be!

  6. Ok guessing here without context.

    spinner - Hubcaps that keep spinning after the car has come to a stop?


    My son on the sit-n-spin

  7. So is this on the web site that I can't get to at work, and wouldn't want to at home?

  8. HowCo: My apologies, I edited a warning in. There's nothing graphic, but you don't want your employer to see it if he's scrolling what you've been looking at.

  9. snay,

    No appoligies needed. Based on the context of the link, I knew that it was NSFW.

  10. Pretty bad when you cannot even protect the jurors in a witness-retaliation case.

    It's the third major witness-intimidation/murder case within a five block radius in Waverly.

    When they draw down surge troops from Iraq, I'm hoping they'll station them here for some domestic peacekeeping.

    And you wonder why no one reports crime around here ??

  11. I'm totally in favor of the protesters that have gathered in support of the Jena Six, but I wonder, when the same (or even greater) injustice is committed against other black people day after day in Baltimore through witness intimidation, insufficient guaranty of police protection, etc, why aren't there huge protests here, with the support of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc, on a regular basis?

  12. I heard a wonderful story on the Ed Norris show today. A few days a group of guys got off the Baltimore subway around 9 in the evening, and notice some hoodlum who starts to follow them. Eventually he tries to hold them up, and one of the guys goes for the hoodlum's gun, ends up wrestling it away from him, and shoots the hoodlum, who's now in serious condition at Shock Trauma. That brought a smile to my face, although it was sad to hear that the hoodlum survived. Hopefully Pat Jessamy won't try to throw the gutsy victim in prison.

  13. Maybe because Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are despicable publicity whores who couldn't care less about what happens to black people.

  14. Also, why exactly do the "Jena Six" deserve anyone's support? They viciously attacked a guy, and at least one of them has a pretty serious criminal record. Throw the book at them.

  15. I'm hearing a lot of conflicting info about the Jena 6. What the hell really happened? If it's true that the black students are being treated more harshly for the same conduct as the white ones, then by all means, protest away! Also, what about the unfortunate black kid that got thrown in jail down south for some BS statutory nonsense? I think he's even still in jail! I hope these bigwigs throw their influence behind that poor guy, as that is DEFINITELY good 'ol boy southern style racial discrimination.

  16. Are you talking about the kid in Georgia who got hit with a felony charge because he had oral sex with a girl, whereas regular old vaginal intercourse would've gotten him a minor misdemeanor? That case certainly was BS.

    I believe the Jena 6 case is completely different. The only thing the white kids in question did was hang nooses from a tree. Obviously that's not a cool thing to do, and they deserved to be punished, but the race-baiters want them charged with a "hate crime." I'm sorry, but that's nonsense. Being a racist redneck asshole isn't against the law as long as you don't hurt anyone.

  17. Jaimetab

    I think the case in Georgia also had a lot more to do with puritanical stupidity rather than racism.

  18. According to all accounts, the beatdown had nothing to do with the noose. Also, a big issue was that the boys were initially stupidly charged with attempted murder, but I believe that has now been downgraded.

    It is worth noting that the victim was hit in the back of the head, knocked down, repeatedly kicked, and left unconscious by these new icons of the civil rights movement.


  20. The fact that Al Sharpton is on their side should automatically raise red flags. Tawana Brawley anyone?

  21. Sean, if that's all true, then we need to be careful as the story is already spinning into myth, with various factual changes, omissions, additions, etc. as it's being commented in in the media and blogosphere.

  22. It does seem like this is turning into a huge clusterpuck. But the District Attorney in the case REALLY is an idiot. Charging the boys with attempted murder seems pretty excessive, as does alleging that "the tennis shoes that Bell was wearing and used to kick Barker were deadly weapons," although a jury somehow agreed with him.

    There's no good guy here.

  23. Funny, I was wondering about the makeup of the jury, and then I read this gem:

    "Much has been made of the fact that all members of the jury were white; however, an all-white jury was impaneled after none of the blacks in LaSalle Parish who were called for jury duty showed up to participate in the trial."

    No Justice, No Peace! Oh, wait, jury duty? Ehh, never mind, that's a pain in the ass.

  24. This might be one of those "both things are true" deals: the assault by the black kids may be as serious as it's reported. It may very well be a serious aggravated assault, attempted murder, I'm not sure....but also, no way in hell is hanging a friggin' noose to intimidate the black students "a simple prank" It's not a simple prank when assholes scrawl swastikas or burn crosses on lawns, and the noose issue should have been dealt with much more harshly to begin with, although obviously this doesn't justify a serious aggravated assault.

  25. Yeah, but the thing is, the victim wasn't involved with the noose thing. "In late July, U.S. Attorney Donald Washington noted the lack of connection between the noose incident and the beating at Jena High school, noting that the more than 40 statements all failed to mention the noose incident."

    Clearly, though, the kids busted for the noose SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXPELLED and weren't.

  26. The local paper has a more detailed time line of what happened in Jena. The part where inequality comes into play is an incident the day before. There was a confrontation between one of the 6 and a white guy outside a store where the white guy pulled out a shot gun from his truck. I've read a couple of different versions of this episode, and this goes to the core arguments of inequality depending on which version of events you believe.

  27. Is this whole thing a big deal because it happened at a school? Say this happened at a mall or something: a group of six people attack a single victim from behind, knocking him to the ground, and kicking him until he's unconscious. They're arrested on excessive charges. These charges are later reduced. Would Sharpton and Jackson still head down there? Maybe so, but it seems a bit odd to me.

    And the shotgun incident doesn't really seem to be much of a focus in the protests, etc. Also, the fact that the charges were based on a witness account, rather than either of the parties, lessens the likelihood of potential inequality, in my mind. Unless, ya know, the witness was wearing a white sheet and hanging nooses from the gas pumps or something. Which sounds like a possibility in Jena...

    I'm definitely NOT saying that there's no story here. I do NOT support the District Attorney's stupidity. I'm just not sure this rises to the level of Selma or Montgomery.

    This District Attorney in my mind has about as much credibility as that Nifong guy - both overzealous, flying in the face of reason in racially charged cases.

  28. "Since when does BCPD have 'agents'?"

    I believe they used to use "Agent" for any new-hires who had a 4-yr degree, instead of "Officer". I don't think they still do that though...

  29. man, i posted a comment on here back in january about usasexguide!

  30. My take on Jena 6:

    If you want to make a civil rights case of national prominence, don't line up behind a hoodlum and profess self-righteously that he has been wronged on some relative basis.

    Wait to make a case backed by an individual who did the right thing.

    The most Rev. Al Sharpton and Alton Maddox (disbarred) still suffer in the public eye from their association with the notorious Tawana Brawley incident. I swear we were on the verge of race rioting in New York on account of that (fugitive) bitch and her stories.

  31. You know galt, if you're white you can't call Tawana Brawley that. At least according to Isiah Thomas you can't.

  32. you're a man ahead of your time, burg
