Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Witnesses: 0; Intimidators: yet another

This just in from the powers that be:
Judge Robert Kershaw declared a mistrial today in the attempted murder and witness intimidation trial of Victor Shuron, 30, of the 2300 block of Seamon Ave., and Yosef Winston-Bey, 27, of the unit block of Dunvale Rd. The jury had been deliberating this case for approximately one day when the court received a note from the jury forewoman stating that one of the jurors "has a concern". The note, discussed in open court, said that as the juror was at the bus stop following court yesterday that the juror saw "two of the men who were in the courtroom during the time of the trial pointed her out and it scared her." She told the court that "she doesn't want to vote on the charges..."

Court documents allege that on November 27, 2006 Shuron got out of a car driven by Winston-Bey in the 2800 block of Greenmount Ave. and shot the victim, a witness in a Baltimore County felony case, as he sat in a car parked in the Waverly Shopping Center.

A new trial date of December 13, 12007 (sic) has been set.

Huh. Sadly, I can't even say that I blame her.

Fucking terrorism, that's what we're dealing with here.


  1. Yeah, so what happened to the money Dixon has suggested will be spent on witness protection (or was I imaginging... like how i imagined maybe the city would awake from her poisonous hold and realize she's been behaving like every politician before her...)

  2. If she had a concealed carry permit she'd be able to defend herself against hoodlums.

    Sorry, couldn't resist...

  3. Now that's an idea. $15 and a CC permit for jurors who serve on a trial. If you want to renew your permit, you have to show up every year afterward. (You only have to serve on a jury once, then you get the CC permit for life, provided you remain an active participant in the jury pool.)

    Talk about an incentive to appear for jury duty.

  4. I had to do jury duty twice in less than two years. If I get yet another summons in a year or so I'd probably be allowed a machine gun under your plan :)

  5. More details about the murderered Morgan State student.

  6. An unfortunate fellow was found beaten to death in East Baltimore.

  7. Having worked on this case, I'll say this...Two people were discussing the case, they happened to see a juror and stated, "There's one of them..." to which they stopped discussing the case due to the fact that they were not allowed to talk about it in front of the jury. This woman completely overreacted and now it will cost all of us taxpayers even more money for the re-trial...
