Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday, 19 September

The Morgan State student shot to death Monday (previously known as No. 230) has been identified as Richard Asare, 24, of Montgomery County.

Marvin Jordan, twice-escaped convict recently re-captured by police in South Carolina, became unescaped when "an alert jail guard noticed the glasses had been taped up and found the [handcuff] key."

An attempted child-napping of a 7th grader in the county averted earlier this month makes the news ... two weeks later. Really, though, shouldn't anyone driving around a school with no shirt on be considered predatory?

A shooting in Hazz - erm, Harford - County involving Aberdeen police and an AWOL Army soldier who started waving a gun around. What's with all the crazy soldiers lately?

I guess it's ... something. Right?

Eduardo Raul Morales-Soriano pleaded guilty to his involvement in the alcohol-related crash that killed a Marine corporal and his date last Thanksgiving.

Oh, well, maybe closing these loopholes might be a start, right? Since, y'know, allowing murderers and other violent predatory types to wander free so you can make a few extra bucks is, um, pretty fucking low, yeah?

Muy Loco? No guno! Something tells me the criminal element will continue to find firepower, however.


"All charges dropped" against the Oh-Cee lady with all the dead fetuses in her yard.

It's all a fun game of innocent, harmless (snortle) pranks ... until the po-po decide you're going to foot the bill.

Last -- certainly not least! True irony has to be a john posting on a website dedicated to swapping stories and info of streetwalkers 'I say to the citizens of Baltimore City Lk 23:34 "forgive them, they know not what they do"' regarding the morality of Baltimore City. Um. Look in a mirror much? If I were a vice-cop, I'd be trolling through this website to hunt johns coming into the city for a little action. It's a quality of life issue and, I suppose, a minor one compared to the murder rate, but if there's one thing certain, it's that Baltimore could use some improvement in its "quality of life." C'mon johns, really: Lefty Lisa and Righty Rosie are safer and cheaper than streetwalkers. Plus, LL & RR come with those great gifts of "no need for a get out of jail" *or!* "How do I explain to my wife how she got six STDs?" cards.


  1. If you find yourself getting jealous of friends' horror stories of living on the mean streets of NYC in the late 70's and early 80's, just rent yourself a nice little place in Charles Village and do some crazy s*** like walk to Safeway, take or put stuff into your car, go for a walk at 7PM, etc. Believe me, you'll soon have some stories of your own to tell your kids, if you make it out alive, that is. You can say, "I lived through the Dixon holistic crime plan".

  2. Congrats on being 'Best of Baltimore's Best Local Blog'. They are absolutely right, you know. :)

  3. Yay! Finally I voted for someone who actually WON. Congrats on the "Best Blog" thingy. You rock!

  4. Thanks! ...But that "pigs flying out of my ass" quip wasn't mine, it was Chuck's! No credit to him or Snay, which was unfair!

  5. What? What'd I do? Pigs flying out of my ass? Oh my goodness.

    Thanks, Cy, and congratulations!
