Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday, Night

Annapolis police are looking for a man presumed dangerous following an assault Wednesday night. He's armed with -- of all things -- a barbeque grill. (What, he couldn't get his hands on a gun?)

An irresponsible driver -- really, is there another kind of driver around these parts? -- pulled a hit and run and killed Anthony Banks in Woodlawn. "Police say the driver didn't offer any help or call police before leaving the scene." Maybe, when the driver is behind bars, the prison guards will fail to offer help or call backup when he's screaming while being ass raped. Hey, it's a thought.

It's like something out of James Bond, except I'm sure that Double-Oh Seven would never ever actually come to Maryland.

Onaje Adarryl Harris and George Surgeon have been identified by police as suspects in the shotgun shooting of a twenty-four year old man last week. Harris was arrested yesterday, and I'm wondering if Surgeon was running around Baltimore this morning with his shotgun loaded with birdshot?

There's an O's fan protest set for Monday. Presumeably, they're out to show their anger at the team's rather lousy record. Meanwhile, old cynical me wonders how many of them showed up to vote in the city primary September 11th, how many plan to show up to vote in the city elections in November, and how many care more about Wild Bill Hagy's death than they do for the sykrocketing murder rate.


  1. yeah, I'd like to protest people caring so much about sports. Grown men playing with a ball, people!

  2. I want to scream.

    "Gov. Martin O'Malley received a public service award last night from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

    O'Malley was singled out for his efforts as mayor of Baltimore to tackle the city's persistent crime problem and its struggling school system."

  3. Apparently the Hopkins computer thief made the mistake of stealing equipment that was used to monitor the treatment of cancer patients. Whoops. That's gotta look bad at the sentencing hearing!

  4. How many of those protesting sports fans are from the city?

  5. what do y'all think of the widget? trashy?
    any books to recommend?

  6. How was the Hitchens book? I was thinking of ordering it since he's a good writer and a smart guy, but he's also a big pompous asshole.

    Also, if you want a great book about Baltimore to add to the list I've got to recommend David Simon's "Homicide." A little date, but a good read.

  7. Oh, I loved it. Got me all fired up!
    Ef the fundamentalists! bring back secular humanism!

  8. did you guys see hitchens speak at the hopkins symposium this past tuesday? or is that WHY you're talking about him?
