Thursday, September 20, 2007

Update: Johns Gone Wild!

After posting this link to the "Baltimore Sex Guide," blogger AngerHangover has enjoyed torrents of e-mail abuse from "Johns" (most of which isn't posted) and makes a very good point about the "victimless crime" argument:
The prostitution problem is a major quality of life problem for regular people who have it infecting their blocks. It also present a big safety issue as well. People don't consider that johns do get out of their cars and do knock on the wrong door (mine), as do aggressive drug dealers looking to collect debt from these prostitutes. I'd really hate for some tragic event to occur in order for some light to be shed on the "victimless crime" problem.
ps. another site also tells you how to find drugs! (Via Carol Ott's blog)


  1. Well, let's be honest AH -- it's a safety problem for the john knocking on your door, because, sooner or later, a booming .357 is going to answer the door! :)

  2. That's true, Snay. And you know I've got one for each hand too. ;-)
