Monday, October 15, 2007

Man, Pregnant Woman Shot

A double shooting in the 2600 block of Quantico Avenue killed a man and put a nine-months pregnant woman in serious condition.

Another grade-school boy trucked to the hoosegow! Eight-year-old Eric Turner was arrested after stabbing a classmate with a comb at Woodhome Elementary (near Harford & Taylor Aves). JZ:
"The situation depends largely on one's point of view. Did Turner slip and fall into a classmate while holding a comb, or did he stab the classmate with a comb while fighting in the hall?"
Or, was this the last straw for school officials who'd talked to his family more than once, only to have them excuse and defend his behavior? Mysteries upon mysteries...
(ps. the boy arrested for sitting on the mini-bike, Gerard Mungo Jr., was 7, for what it's worth, and unlike Stabby was just sitting around!)

At a hearing today Charles Brockington, 47, ("rims guy") of the 4000 block of Cedardale Road pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence. Under terms of the plea agreement, announced in open court, Brockington faces a maximum of 10 years in prison suspending all but five years without the possibility of parole. Judge John Kaye Allison scheduled sentencing for December 17, 2007. Here's the JZ story. (thanks PP)

Four MDers were sentenced in a scheme to transport hundreds (hundreds?!) of illegal-alien prostitutes to the state.

From SA's office (edited): Today, after one day of deliberation, a jury returned a verdict of guilty on the charges of possession with possession and intent to distribute heroin in the case of Kennard Miles, 22, of the 700 block of Lakewood Drive. Miles was arrested as a result of a Baltimore City Police Department investigation focusing on the 2500 block of Monument Street, the 600 and 700 blocks of N. Rose St., and the 700 block of N. Luzerne Ave. On 6/30/06, Miles was observed receiving a black bag by an officer operating a pole camera focused on the 700 block of N. Luzerne Ave. The officer informed a waiting arrest team of the transaction. Miles fled the arrest team, and during the foot pursuit, Miles threw the black bag into a garage on 900 block of Lakewood Ave. The bag was recovered, and Miles was apprehended. The bag was found to contain 636 gelatin capsules of heroin. The trial, which lasted two days, began on October 10 and concluded on October 12 before Judge David Ross. The case was prosecuted by LaRai Forrest. Sentencing is scheduled for October 22, 2007 at 9:30am.

Fun fact! Odds of being arrested during a drug transaction, according to David Kennedy: less than 1 in 15,000.

The Sun has choice quotes from supersassy Baltimore County District Judge Bruce S. Lamdin. Here are the original stories by Van Smith of the CP from last month and six months ago.


  1. There's been a bit of good news in the Zach Sowers case. Arthur Jeter's request to have his case transferred to juvenile court has been denied. Eric Price's hearing has been postponed until November, hopefully the judge will make the correct decision in that case as well.

  2. I think if the rims were really nice, like say 22" and all shiny with thingys on em that spin and all, it might be justified to have blown away the crackhead that tried to boost them. On the other hand, if they were the little rusted botttle cap sized ones like I have on my '82 Aries K, then I think Brockington should have to serve his full sentence.

  3. Thanks for that!
    I stumbled across the LA Times homicide report blog a while ago and was hugely impressed. The Tribune Co. could allot resources to create the position of 'murder chronicler' in LA, statistically so much less murderous than Baltimore, but why not here? Though it does seem like these murders don't get a whole lot more type than ours do, they're just arranged and published more comprehensively.

    But here's my current outrage: what's with the S's lack of inquisitiveness (much less outrage) at these suspended sentences? A life sentence suspended to five years for shooting someone in the face, and this unnamed reporter doesn't ask Judge Glynn what's up with that? Aren't we, the people who live here, owed some kind of explanation as to why this guy will be menacing us in 2012?

  4. ppatin:

    C'mon is carrying a registered gun on you that bad of an idea? what else do legit citizens have to protect them? I mean for christs sake the ONLY people with no guns are the decent citizens!! Think about this fact alone, OVER 2,100 guns have been recovered in Bmore so far this year...over 2,000!!!!!! and those are just the ones they found!!!

  5. bmorecareful:

    The fact that it's "registered" is irrelevant. Carrying a concealed firearm without a CCW permit is a really serious crime. If you want to do it go ahead, but a felony conviction on my record does not appeal to me.

  6. yea i suppose its not the brightest idea, but it can also save your life..i dont have any priors and i dont plan on having any, but theres time where i have to take my girl or her sister to really rough areas to visit family members, and the "sitting duck" feelind takes over every single time...and the truth is thats exactly what it is..your 100% right about it not being a good idea, but most things involving guns arent great ideas, but there has to be a point where you take the trust you had in the police force and the mayor and you put that trust in yourself...sounds bad but cmon im not letting some a-hole ruin my life and others around me, there has to be a point when enough is enough, I know im sounding like DeNiro in Taxi Driver lol dont blame me blame Charm City

  7. Cybes:

    I am guessing that those suspended sentences are part of plea bargains. Whenver I read about big chunks of time being suspended it's in a case where the defendent pleads guilty. I can't remember ever reading about a case that actually goes to trial, produces a guilty verdict and then earns a suspended sentence.

  8. Wait did I miss something? Why not get the CCW permit if you want to carry a concealed weapon? Is there some reason you can't get one?

  9. Maryland is a "may issue" state, which means the State Police get to decide who gets a CCW permit, and they won't give one to an average citizen. Generally you have to be a bail bondsman, someone who works with lots of cash, or someone who's already been a victim of a crime to get a concealed carry permit. Trust me, if this was a "shall issue" state I wouldn't leave my house after dark unarmed.

  10. Body found in a burning car at 2100 Allendale. Deemed suspicious.

  11. Oh, it's probably just spontaneous combustion. Happens all the time!

  12. Here are some more details about Arthur Jeter, one of the things that attacked Zach Sowers. Apparently he was placed on probation a week before the attack, and robbed another man a few days after Sowers was beaten to a pulp. Jeter and his fellow animals should be euthanized like rabid dogs.

  13. the label on the sun murder map (current through october 6th) has been changed AGAIN to read "murders this year: 239" but there is no reportage of this new murder (also still nothing for a 238) anywhere else in the sun. unless they fucked up and put the trunk body on there, despite the fact that it is only "suspicious" right now.

  14. This Arthur Jeter guy seems like a freakin monster...the judge mentioned his physical size, which means he probably some over grown oager whos trying to play the age card to catch a break! Im glad the judicial system grew some balls, but i cant help to think that if Zach was black this case could have went to juvey court,or even worse result in no conviction. maybe there was too much pressure from the media. Regardless, these guys are monsters! Its scary to think how many teens in Bmore city have severe mental issues from all this sh** they went thru as a child, or from parent drug use while giving birth to them....scary thought, packs of wackos roaming...what should piss you off is that your fate can be in the hands of some of these guys, that sux.

  15. careful there, i suggested a while back that this case was getting so much attention due to the victim's race and social status and i was called a "monster" and a "racist" (huh?) by one of the more retarded posters here.

  16. IMO social status and the effort by his family and friends to publicize what happened are far more important than race in this case. If a middle class black man with a pretty young wife was beaten into a vegetative state I would be very surprised if his case didn't get just as much attention.

  17. yea probably an "anonymous" post...some may be mad that such a brutal attack can happen on a white guy, it sucks but blacks go through its all the time b/c they live in a "rougher neighberhoods", as did Zach, and whats funny is when people say "Hey man Zack didnt live in a rough area"..its now evident that he did, what happened is horrible no matter what the race is...but unfortunantly the FACTS are that crimes against blacks and those with prior records (aka LOW profile cases) are handled differently then HIGH profile cases...what makes this crime high profile you may wonder, and its "the innocent white guy with a good family and a good job" not taking sides,and Zach was 100% innocent but unfortunantly this is how the Bmore court system works, prosecution is often determined by the victims prior history or economical status....ask the mom who had both her sons shot in the face by the same guy a couple years apart (true story)..we all wish Zach comes out of his coma soon and fully recovers, what happened to him shouldnt happen to ANY human being...

  18. Apparently, the man Brockington shot and killed had not also stolen the very car he used as a getaway vehicle. Yet, listen to how his family describes johnson (the thief)

    "Johnson's family says the 29-year-old victim has a new baby who will never know her father."

    Yeah maybe he should have thought about that before being a fucking leech on society and robbing people of their possessions and doing god knows what else in his 'career' as a criminal.

    I am appalled and outraged that a man who DEFENDED his property with lethal force is being PUNISHED. FIVE YEARS? Maryland is ridiculous. I am seriously considering moving to Florida where they have good gun laws. No American should be punished for using lethal force against intruders and thieves. We live in a country where in many states, if a burglar breaks into your home, and you shoot and kill him, YOU end up going to jail.

    Charles Brockington, you did nothing wrong. More citizens should be using deadly force, as is their right, to defend life and property against criminal scum like Johnson. What Maryland is basically saying is: "allow criminals to steal your shit, they have more rights than you, the victim"

    Fuck that. And fuck you Maryland, and fuck you baltimore. This man should not spend a day in jail.

    -Dan Ferro

  19. Anon:

    Charles Brockington had some pretty serious prior convictions on his record. The fact that he even owned a gun would have gotten him into very serious trouble in even the most self-defense friendly state in the country. I'm glad the thief in question was killed, but don't waste any sympathy on Charles Brockington.

  20. you can ask the other bloggers, im ALL for packing for protection..nut he might of got 5 years for being a convicted FELON in possestion of a firearm and blasting the guy in the head "by mistake"...but i agree with the notion that you should be able to protect whats yours! Hey man Marylands the most violent state in the country, you gotta love it! Im all for carrying heat for protection in the wild wild west

  21. Instead of venting online I encourage you to write to your state legislators and tell them you support making Maryland's self-defense laws more friendly to law-abiding citizens. Maryland is currently a "duty to flee" state, meaning you are supposed to try to get away if someone breaks into your home, and only use deadly force if you're cornered. Many other states have "stand your ground" laws where you are protected if you kill an intruder in your home regardless of whether you could have escaped or not.

    And for god's sake people, don't shoot a thief who's OUTSIDE. You can argue all you want about whether it's right to shoot someone who's running away after stealing from you, but regardless of how right or wrong it is that sort of action will get you into serious legal trouble. Charles Brockington was an idiot, even though he did do us a favor by removing a degenerate criminal from society.

  22. Anyone who claims race is the reason Zach's case continues to receive attention is a idiot, at best. It's still getting attention because his family and friends have worked hard to try and prevent it from "disappearing" from the public conscience, as well as raise money for what is likely to be a very long, medically intensive and (unfortunately) expensive future life for Zach. One's skin color or socio-economic status have nothing to do the with above efforts.

  23. burning car with body in trunk hmm... may be Charles Brockington,("rims guy") went outside, saw a robbery in progress and accidently stuffed the thief in the trunk and inadvertantly lit the car on fire.

    seriously, someone was killed for rims and tires because the victim knew if he did not take matters into his own hands, the police NEVER would have done a thing. Sad, pathetic and outrageous.

  24. traveler:

    lol cmon now your telling me a website and alot of effort is why they got those guys? more like the camera at the McDonalds when the animals went to rent 2 dvds...or else it would have been people asking for help, and we all know Bmore is not gonna help. get your head out the clouds bro. to even SUGGEST that the Bmore court system is not BROKEN means that A) your not from Bmore or B) your not from Bmore...last time i checked the percantile of solved murders or attempted murders is less then 35%....raising money has nothing to do with my comments, the initiative of the family has also nothing to do with how the judicial system in Bmore works, you think all the teens that are murdered (mostly head shots and multiple gun shot wounds)in Bmore each month dont have family members who want and demand answers?!? wake up...

  25. I'm starting to think Maryland is a 'Duty to Move' state.

  26. Oh, I cannot believe this dude's lame story. 'It wasn't me. It was three black guys driving my stolen car - which I recovered immediately after the hit-and-run.'

  27. its funny b/c when you live in MD you become used to hearing about all the crime and murder, and its not only Bmore, PG county and other counties have issues with crime aswell...the state as a whole is pretty dangerous when compared to other states..Even NY and states with more publicity, for example Philly is the supposed "murder capital" but Bmore has much more crime and drugs and death per 100,000 people i believe.

  28. I'd be curious to know what the crime rates for Baltimore County will look like at the end of the year. I know their murder rate is up, but that could be a fluke. I'm curious if their robbery & assault rates are also on the rise. Maybe then they'll start demanding that the state do something about Baltimore City.

  29. Far more.

    And Judge Cavanaugh has about as much faith in the safety of witnesses on the streets as my neighbors have.

    The relative safety in Maryland's other counties is largely determined by the proximity there to people who diffused from Baltimore City. Everything inside 695 is now Baltimore-ized because that's who lives there now. So that's where you find the violence.

  30. galt:

    your right.PG County's huge spike in crime is attributed to residents from DC being forced there, and also to charles county, which is basically the country, but is now having murders aswell.

  31. BmoreCareful,

    "All those families" don't demand answers, and that's the problem. They already know the answer, and they would rather dig another grave then face the fact that they were shitty parents.

  32. Another problem is that too many city residents want feel-good solutions, rather than ones which will actually work. Politicans love to go on about rehabilitation, and "coming together as a community" and all that other BS. You don't get yourself elected by telling the truth, which is that this city has a large number of people who're incapable of behaving like civilized human beings and need to be removed from society through long prison sentences (I'd prefer a bullet to the back of their heads, but that's not going to happen.)

  33. trav:

    your right some of those parenst are assholes, no doubt. But we cant say that the majority are assholes,the ones that arent are the ones im talking about..either way these kids are getting shot down and the killers run off in the night (or day), and the parents cant do anything about it, no one talks and no one snitches so the non asshole parents who care are left in the the end of the day no matter if your a white or a black victim you should feel lucky if the offender is ever caught in this city

  34. ppatin:

    your right, the citizens DO NOT want change, and for every one that does want change there are 20 who dont...those 20 are the drug addicts,dealers,bangers,murderers,theives, and the rest are just plain ol LAZY...they report EVERY case of "police brutality" but wont report a murder they see in broad daylight! wtf is going on!

  35. what ever happened to i loved that site!

  36. More here on Zach Sowers' assailant's juvie history.

  37. Bmore soldier with Blood ties connected to Barclay shooting of some Young Guerilla Family...what color do they wear? black?,0,3439257.story

  38. Bmorecareful:

    The article called them the "Young Gorilla Family." Apparently those knucklehead gang members are too f***ing stupid to know the difference between "guerilla" and "gorilla."

  39. Hey ppatin, true that, yo! Anyway, what was wrong with the OLD gorillas? Everything these days, new, improved, etc...ah, phooey.

  40. Here is a very depressing article about what the legal system has put the family of a girl who was raped and murdered through. Something needs to be done about the out of control appeals from death-row inmates. I can only imagine what the families of Vernon Evans and Anthony Grandison's victims have had to deal with, since that crime occured a year before I was even born!

  41. why do you even assume they mean "guerilla" and not "gorilla?" haven't you ever seen west side story? do you think the sharks called themselves that because they fancied themselves to be cutthroat lawyers?

  42. True, but in that case they picked a really stupid name. "Young Gorilla Family" sounds pretty idiotic.

  43. One can only assume they're aping the Black Guerrilla Family. Get it? Aping? Ha ha.

  44. Burger, what exactly is your point? That I shouldn't look down and sneer at gangbanging pieces of human garbage? Or are you just trying to pick arguments with people?

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. I still don't understand the convoluted logic that states that people that never victimized anyone, pay their taxes and go to work are part of the problem.

  47. C. Love, If you think this is such a "gossip rag," then go read something more productive already. I've had it with your insulting remarks. PLEASE GO AWAY!

  48. Wait, I have that power by pushing the little trash can button!

  49. "I still don't understand the convoluted logic that states that people that never victimized anyone, pay their taxes and go to work are part of the problem."

    Anon, you are my hero.

  50. Hey I do that! I also donate to charities, recycle and tip well! Why does non get all your worship?!

  51. Heh, anon got my worship because he said what I was thinking. Plus your avatar is a mouse, and my house is currently mouse infested.

  52. between LaRai Forrest and Judge Ross I'm sure there will be several issues for the Court of Appeals to consider.
