Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oricil to see Can from Inside

At a hearing yesterday, Judge Barry G. Williams found Kenneth Ellis, 27, of Bowie, MD guilty of violating his probation. Judge Williams sentenced Ellis to three years in prison, consecutive to a seven-year prison term he is currently serving following a Baltimore County assault conviction in August 2007. On June 20, 2006 Ellis, also known as “Oricl,” pled guilty to six counts of malicious destruction of property. Judge Williams sentenced him to a suspended three-year prison term, 18 months probation and 500 hours of community service. Ellis was a prolific “tagger” spray painting the name Oricl on property across the city. As part of his original sentence, he was to work with Department of Public Works Crews to clean up the graffiti. The assault conviction in August and the fact that Ellis completed just 32 of the 500 hours triggered today’s violation of probation hearing in city Circuit Court. Says the SA's office, yesterday's "hearing highlights the continued emphasis on the identification and prosecution of repeat offenders in Baltimore on supervised parole or probation who commit a new offense or technical violation."


  1. I met this Ellis' mother quite coincidentally last summer. This boy has always had some issues, according to her. She also has another, still-school-age boy with another set of problems, none of which presumably will lead to a life of crime.

    It's hard to understand people who do this sort of thing, but sometimes you have to make that leap. In the long run, this is a guy who recognizes the consequences of what he does, so it's not as though he has an excuse.

  2. The body found in the trunk of a burning car is now a homicide.

    So is Andre Bryant.

  3. "Oricil" sounds like some kind of rash cream.

  4. carol ott your an idiot do you have any type of education in spirituality or if your a movie finatic you might of heard oricl means all knowing, god why don't you go back to college. claude and all of you why do you feel it necessary to talk about people that you know nothing about. we all have problems and all have done things we regret, true some of us don't break the law but or some do but never got caught why don't you talk about rehabilitation instead of institutionalizing why don' you ask questions instead of posting comments like what we can do to help people that obviously are crying out for help instead of lock him up and throw away the key. i'm sure you did'nt know this but he had a son born late last year who has a genetic disease called cf, who may or may not live past 30 i'm quite sure after finding out his sons prognosis he is fully aware of consequences

  5. also did you know just for the record he took care of achild that was not his and paid child support for a child that was not his when he was married and with his girlfriend now took care of a child that also was not his we are not talking about your ordinary man or criminal and the reason i say man is because there are few men out there that would ever do that and in my opinion though he has made mistakes and hopefully learns from them he has a kind heart

  6. Sweetie, it's spelled "O-R-A-C-L-E". Not 'oricil'. Capice?

  7. And he is any less of a criminal because...?

  8. ORICL is spelled in different variations, my response was to claude because he had said that this is a guy who does not have an excuse. well, to hear all the excuses in the world is ridiculous i'd rather someone take responsibility for their actions then make excuses for them but thats what the world wants, you have a good enough excuse we empathize. i just don't understand why people waste their time commenting on things they know nothing about and talking about people they know nothing about, i guess you did'nt get enough in high school or maybe you wanted to be part of that crowd in high school. but i saw this page and just thought what a joke it is a bunch of people blogging on things they know about 50% of and taking no action. this crime rate is ridiculous let me go blog about it instead of write my representitive and find out what i can do to be part of the solution rather then the problem. my argument was not an excuse or to show he was any less then a criminal but, to keep in mind don't say things about people unless you know the full circumsatance on what knid of person they are and carol sorry about that idiot comment. so i won't stoop to burgersub's level of insulting anyone else some people can't help their ignorance wether it is educational or their lack of a open mind.
