Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17

Dismaying Stats from YPR: "Of the 320 adults charged with gun crimes through September 15th, 2007, 120, or 38- percent, were already on probation. Many had suspended sentences, including 24 charged with armed robbery, attempted robbery, or carjacking. Six were charged with attempted murder; 15 more with assault. Of the 50 gun-crime suspects so far this year with the greatest number of prior convictions, more than a quarter would not have been at large the day they were caught with a gun, but for suspended prior sentences."

Galt reports,
"The body found in the trunk of a burning car is now a homicide.
So is Andre Bryant."

"Crystal Nikkita Newby, 21, of the 2900 block of Southland Ave. is charged with second-degree murder in the death of Qasim Kabah at his home in the 2500 block of Terra Firma Road." The two were fighting over the sale of an assault weapon.

More dangerous than Iraq indeed: An 18-year-old Baltimore soldier, Jerrell Hill of the 5600 block of Lothian Road, was detained this week at an Army base in Oklahoma after city detectives accused him in the gang-related shooting of five people in the Barclay neighborhood last month. He's awaiting extradition.

Today the Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Omar McGee, 18, of the 3400 block of Dupont Avenue for first-degree murder and deadly weapon. Court documents allege on August 9, 2007 Omar McGee was identified as the person responsible for a shooting incident in the 3400 block of Dupont Avenue. Troy Richardson, 30, was found in the middle of the unit block suffering from several gunshot wounds. He succumbed to his injuries at Sinai Hospital the same day. An arraignment is scheduled for November 9, 2007 before Judge Martin P. Welch, Room 228 Courthouse East.

Two Towson U. football players were busted for marijuana, and TU sororities are in trouble for posting pictures of underage drinking on Facebook. And worst of all, Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Teri Hall says:
"Ironic that we have all these women doing things that they shouldn't have been doing as part of sorority recruitment and they post them on Facebook for everybody to see."
No lady, that's stupid. You have a doctorate and work in education but don't know the meaning of ironic-- THAT is ironic!

Bogus tickets?! The parking division is more evil than we even knew! Dixon says the inspector general is going to investigate.
QTD from Jaclyn Schwarz: “They’re always blaming the people who live here. My house was broken into, and they said it was my fault for not having the correct lock. It’s a very difficult city.”


  1. First!

    Oh, sorry. I mean, yay, updates!!!

  2. Cybes, I think Bryant is distinct from the Quantico porchfront shootings and was coincidentally in the same area. Bryant was an armed robbery.

  3. According to the Ed Norris Show the shooting victim who was preggers and her baby are both ok. They said she also was not shot in the face as originally reported, but in the arm.

  4. Jeziz you're right, two blocks away!
    ps. guess who was on my plane from Atlanta last night?! Warren Brown (or someone who looked exactly like him)!

  5. That parking ticket story is probably the least surprising thing I've read recently. The meter maids in this city are out of control, because they know most people would rather pay forty or fifty bucks than fight a bogus ticket in court.

    Supposedly back in the day in Washington DC their parking control people would ticket every car on a street in well-off areas, regardless of whether they were legally parked or not. It was an easy way for the city to make money, since it wasn't worth most people's time to go to court. Could be an myth, but I'm certain that it's based on reality.

  6. I completely believe it. I've gotten about 5 tickets since I moved to Roland Park for parking "against the flow of traffic" which I'm not even sure is illegal (there's no space for it on the ticket). And ended up paying them because otherwise it's half a day in traffic court. AND even though I paid them when I went to renew my registration they said I hadn't paid them and it was a huge hassle, had to get someone on the phone (which took more than 30 minutes) get them to fax some document to the DMV, which they didn't, then on the second call they faxed over documents for someone who had the same last name, then the DMV closed, then I had to go back the next day... it's crap like that that's the final straw to get taxpayers to finally up and move, more so than the murders I think.

    That and getting blamed for being a crime victim. After having my car windows broken night after night I'd leave the car unlocked with the glove box open still would hear from the police "you shouldn't leave valuables on your seat."

    You know what I really shouldn't do is pay insane taxes to live here!
    I do love the city and my house and neighbors and all of that but it gets harder and harder to justify being here.

  7. Multiple robberies at knifepoint around University & E. 33rd in scary North Charles Village/Waverly in this week's crime log.

  8. Any one know where the police Blotter went for baltimore sun? No Update since Oct 9th.

  9. Oh goody, it's share your parking ticket horror stories time.

    The worst thing that ever happened to me was when I got my car towed because of tickets issued to another car. My plates end in 374, and some guy who had the same first three letters and the numbers 874 at the end kept on getting tickets. Unfortunately the meter maid in question had sloppy handwriting, and this guy got enough tickets in a short enough period of time that my car got hauled off to the impound lot. I was pissed beyond belief.

    I also got a $150 abandoned car citation once one a weekday at 7 PM, nevermind the fact that I was at work until 5! That one I took to court though, I wasn't about to cut those thieves a $150 check.

  10. The Towson U. story made me want to laugh. OMG, underage drinking at college parties! What next, a Catholic pope?

    Putting those photos on Facebook was pretty dumb though.

  11. I noticed that about the Blotter!
    Is it in the inky paper and they're just not posting it online, or has it not been published for a week?
    Maybe something happened to Richard Irwin?! Something criminal? That would be ironic!

  12. Speaking of Facebook stupidity, the President of Salisbury State apparently has a profile with pictures of animal genitals and says she has to beat Mexican men off her daughter with a stick.

  13. "In a statement, Dudley-Eshbach said the photos were taken during a family vacation to Mexico and that she wrongly thought the public couldn't see them."

    Aaargh, what is wrong with people! If there are photos of you on the internet anywhere people will see them!

  14. The situation of Jerrell Hill is very interesting. I'm definitely going to follow this story. I hope he had nothing to do with it, I like the idea of a young man trying to raise above the failures of this city.

  15. I recieved a summons to appear in county court because Baltimore city was suing me for 3 outstanding tickets. I was a resident of Charles Village at the time.I talk to many people I know from Govans, Guilford, and east baltimore, all with outstanding tickets and none were being sued.After speaking with someone in the know I learned the city was only suing in the area around Johns Hopkins, and anyone with a county address.To add further prejudice an amnisty will soon be offered for other city residence

  16. Anon, that's not what happens when you have outstanding tickets. They boot & tow your car, or I've heard they may send a collection agency after you. Besides, why would Baltimore CITY be suing you in COUNTY court? Your story makes no sense.
