Thursday, October 11, 2007

October 11

buttocksA man was shot in the buttocks on Mosher Street for no apparent reason.

Dixon: our prisons are country clubs!

If you didn't go to the Block earlier this year, you missed hooch-swilling 15-year-olds, back-room "intimate interactions," plenty of drugs and a Foxy Lady named Lot of Bottom.

The Post serves up a TV-news-worthy lede: "The question has vexed us all: Where did I leave my cellphone? Consider the added anxiety, then, of having misplaced it near a murder scene -- a murder scene authorities suspect you created. Allegations made public this week suggest that James F. Swann put himself exactly in that bind. The 32-year-old is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the Oct. 3 shooting in Waldorf of Joseph G. Hickman..."


  1. Prostitution on the Block?

    "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"

  2. Yeah, as in

    "Crime? What crime? Did a crime occur somewhere in Baltimore and no one told the Mayor's office ?"

  3. The problem here is hardly analytically complex.

    Even an eight-grader can understand a simple graph.

    Well, ok, maybe not if they were educated in Baltimore City public schools. For their benefit, it slopes downward.

    The data are for midsized U.S. cities and the crime variable is the rate per capita.

  4. So, build more 'country clubs', enough to contain this city's huge offender population.

    The alternative, letting them out among the public, is unconscionable.

  5. Human Rights Watch had an interesting report about what conditions are like for inmate who are held at Virginia's Wallens Ridge & Red Onion prisons, which are the state's two toughest facilities. I think the report was trying to imply that it was bad that prisoners were being treated that way, but reading it just made me happy. Maryland could definitely learn from Virginia's example. I believe that VA has also either abolished or severely limited parole. Now that is a truly excellent idea.

  6. Hmmm... I toured the Baltimore City Detention Center a couple years back and I'd describe it more as a sort of Hellacious Shithole. It was July, had to have been way over 100 degrees in there, iron bars everywhere, disgusting food, etc. While we were there, we were evacuated from the juvenile wing due to a shanking. I would contrast this with a visit to an actual country club a couple months back, and I gotta say, they are just a wee bit different. I'm not saying prisons, jails, etc SHOULD be nice, I'm just saying they are not. We also toured the Baltimore County Detention Center, and I have this advice to any would-be criminals: commit your crimes in the County.

  7. I wonder why many of the owners of clubs on The Block are women... any insights?

  8. non:

    I'm guessing it's because a lot of the "real" owners have criminal records, and they need someone with a clean record to use as a front.

  9. yeah, that's what i was thinking.

  10. Hey, we were stupid enough to elect Dixon, let the people reap what they sow.

  11. Maybe someday Sheila Dixon will be held accountable for all that city business she funnelled to her sister. Then she'll get to spend some time in a country club prison...

  12. Heh, if you ask me, that's why she's got such a lackluster police force and doesn't want to change anything. That way, when she's indicted she'll be found not guilty...

  13. Virginia abolished parole in 1996 and increased the sentences for violent crimes.

  14. Sorry, that should have said 1995.

  15. Even if our judges wouldn't let out violent criminals off on suspended sentences we are still in a world of shit here in Baltimore. Not too long ago I served on a jury for a criminal case that was quite serious. I've never seen such biased jurors who (1) won't believe one word a cop says and (2) won't believe that an african american male could possibly be guilty because they'll arrest anybody (who is black of course). I spent three days in deliberation where one old batty lady wouldn't budge. She even insinuated that the victim was "in on it". Finally, we got her to change her mind and I'm glad we took the effort (it wasn't easy) because there's no need for fucking armed robbers and carjackers and murderers to walk because your godamned sons and grandsons were all innocent when they got arrested (what else do you tell grandma when you need bail money). It's quite ironic to me, the people who let these criminals off out of spite are just letting them back into their own communities to kill more of their friends and family. Idiots. Simple as that.

  16. It's quite ironic to me, the people who let these criminals off out of spite are just letting them back into their own communities to kill more of their friends and family. Idiots. Simple as that.

    I just got a jury notice. First time in 16 years as a city resident. That must be a record! But I'm actually looking forward to getting called, although I know it's going to be a frustrating experience, I'm ready for it at this point.

  17. Hey I've never gotten jury duty either!

  18. I think it sounds like a fun challenge, building common ground with a group of strangers. Of course that part is probably like 10 minutes out of days of sitting around the courthouse.

  19. Cybes:

    You only spend one day sitting around because Baltimore has a one day/one trial system. The chances of actually getting picked for a jury are also very, very small.

  20. how the fuck have you people not gotten jury notices? after registering to vote here when i was 18 in the year 2000, i have gotten FOUR notices. i managed to get out of it once because i was still in college and claimed i couldn't miss class, and two more times i checked the website the night before and they had preemptively dismissed my summons number, but once i had to go in. i and everybody else there spent all day sitting in a room watching shitty movies and generally being bored stiff. then they told us all to go home.

  21. Burger, I was wondering the same thing. I've had to go twice in less than three years, and both times spent the entire day sitting around doing nothing. Fortunately I still got paid by my employer, but if jury duty actually cost me money or time off I would probably try to skip out on it. I understand the whole civic duty thing, but the court system is absolutely shameless about how they waste people's time. They make no attempt at all to be fast or efficient.

  22. Yep, I get a notice almost every year. The only time I ever got picked, I was the second alternate juror - almost got away! - on a murder trial. Sat through the 3 days of the trial, but as an alternate, I didn't deliberate, since none of the other jurors died or anything, so I didn't know what happened to the case. Found out a couple years later from the defense attorney that the jury was hung. They attempted to retry the case later, but lo and behold, the state couldn't track down their key witness (the one who, at trial, recanted the sworn statement he gave to police, who wore the exact same shirt as the defendant, and whose family kept trying to pass notes to the defendant).

  23. I've lived here almost 8 years and have never gotten a notice. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

  24. Let me add to my jury duty experience.. like I said it was overall painful because of said biased juror but it was also a great experience in some ways. It took everybody on the jury to come to a unanimous decision and that process although tedious (people like to talk in circles about nothing..) is rewarding when you do come to a decision.

    If you've served more than 6 months in prison you can get out of jury duty in Baltimore City. That made me smile.

    If you do get called and get selected for a jury if you aren't a cop it's quite possible you will end up on a jury. I'd rather serve than show up for a day and not get on jury.

    The best part is the educational videos they show you while you wait. You guys need to let me know what you thought of those if you get a chance. Hilarious.

  25. Its sad to say but if your a decent citizen im bmore city you should probably get a gun permit and carry one even though your supposed to leave it in the house, b/c no one else is going to help you and thats the hard truth, either that or risk it all when a 15 yr old decides to cap you
